
Chapter Eighty-Seven

After ending his call with Clarissa, Reynold placed his phone in the center console storage of his car and gazed out of the window, his mind consumed by frustration and exhaustion.

As he took a deep breath, attempting to find some semblance of calm, a knock on the opposite side of the window startled him.

Turning his attention towards the source of the sound, Reynold's eyes met Megan's shy smile and wave as she leaned forward.

His initial surprise lingered as he reached over and opened the car door for her.

With a flushed face, Megan swiftly entered the car, releasing a relieved breath.

"Thanks," she murmured, casting a brief glance around the car before fixing her gaze on Reynold, who appeared far from excited.

"Why did you choose to meet in your car on the side of the road?" She inquired, a mischievous grin playing on her lips as she observed Reynold.

Reynold let out a weary sigh, his hand instinctively reaching up to rub his forehead.

"I apologize for the unconventional meeting s
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