
Chapter Eighty

✨Hey there, amazing readers!✨

Quick note: "Entangled With My Rival CEO" just hit Chapter Eighty! 🎉

Your thoughts mean the world to me, fueling my writing soul. So, don't be a silent reader! Share your epic, wild, or even crazy thoughts with me. I'm all ears!

Thank you for joining me on this incredible journey. Keep those pages turning, my friends, and let the adventure continue!

Happy reading!

Alessia gently pushed the door to her bedroom open, carefully balancing a tray in her hands.

On the tray sat a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, its bright color standing out against the uncertainty in the air.

She looked around the room, hoping to see Camilla still sitting on the bed, eating but the room was empty, and there were no signs of her daughter anywhere.

A puzzled frown appeared on her face as she slowly entered the room and carefully placed the tray next to the plate of Arancini and cannoli, noticing a partially eaten Arancini.

"Cami?" She called out, her voice resonating through the room, wondering why Camilla had left her breakfast barely touched.

Driven by curiosity, she decided to check the bathroom, but there was no sign of Camilla there either.

But just as she stepped back outside from the bathroom, the creaking sound of the door caught her attention, and she assumed it must be her daughter.

"Cami, why would you leave your..." Alessia began, but her sentence trailed off as she sighted Fernando instead, his expression a mix of concern and confusion.

"What's the matter?" he asked, closing the door behind him.

Alessia's throat tightened, her gaze filled with concern and uncertainty as she looked at Fernando.

"I... I thought you were Cami," she stammered, her worry evident.

Fernando furrowed his brow. "Isn't she here?" he replied, scanning the room.

"No…I left her but she's gone now." Alessia replied, their shared confusion deepened the prevailing unease that surrounded them both.

"But if she's not here, then where could she be?" Fernando's voice wavered slightly, worry lacing his words.

Alessia took a deep breath, attempting to steady herself before speaking. "I don't know. Maybe we should ask one of the staff if they've seen her."

He nodded in agreement, and together they made their way out.

As they descended the staircase toward the living room, they coincidentally encountered Genevieve, a middle-aged woman who had served as a housekeeper in the villa for a long time.

Her warm smile faltered as Genevieve noticed the worried expressions on Alessia and Fernando's faces.

"Is everything alright, ma'am? You both seem concerned," she asked, her features reflecting genuine worry.

Alessia's voice quivered as she spoke, her anxiety becoming palpable.

"We can't find Cami anywhere. I left her in our bedroom, but when I returned... she was gone," she explained, her shoulders slumping under the weight of her unease.

Fernando chimed in, his voice filled with urgency. "Have you seen her or do you know where she might be?"

Relief flooded Genevieve, and her smile returned.

"Oh, there's no need to worry. I saw her heading into her old bedroom when I was on my way to the laundry room," she said, her voice calm and reassuring. "And I haven't seen her come out since."

Alessia and Fernando exhaled, their tense expressions softening. "Oh thank you, Genevieve," Alessia said, gratitude evident in her voice.

She glanced back at her husband, a faint smile gracing her face.

"I'll go check on her just to make sure she's alright," she reassured him, already moving towards the stairs.

However, Fernando reached out and gently stopped her in her tracks.

His gentle grip on Alessia's arm provided a comforting anchor amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

Concern was etched across his face as he locked eyes with her.

"Shouldn't we give her some time alone to gather her thoughts... maybe that's why she moved to her own room," he suggested softly.

Alessia hesitated for a moment, contemplating his words, but eventually shook her head.

"She hasn't had breakfast and she needs to take her medications. I'll just quickly check on her," she insisted, determined to ensure her daughter's well-being.

Fernando reluctantly released his grip, allowing her to ascend the stairs swiftly and make her way to Camilla's room.

Left alone, Fernando turned back to Genevieve, who nodded understandingly before discreetly taking her leave.

He let out a long sigh, exhaustion and frustration seeping into his being as he grappled with the complex situation surrounding his daughter.

When she arrived home two days ago, utterly devastated and broken, he initially believed she was still mourning the loss of her child.

And his sole desire was to provide comfort and restore her sense of safety.

However, upon discovering that Alexander was the cause of her tears, his anger surged, and he wanted nothing more than confront him and demand an explanation as to why he would blame his beloved daughter for the tragedy.

Nevertheless, Camilla made it clear that she needed time to process everything before making any decisions and pleaded with him to hold back.

Though it was a challenge for him to control his anger and protectiveness, he decided to respect her wish.

Lost in his thoughts, he suddenly heard Alessia's scream echo through the house, her voice filled with fear and panic.

His heart jumbled in her chest, and without a second thought, Fernando sprinted up the stairs toward Camilla's room.

Upon entering the room, he surveyed the surroundings, finding no one in sight.

His voice filled with worry, he called out to his wife, "Amore! (Love!)...Where are you?"

Panic gripped Fernando's chest when he heard muffled sobbing coming from the bathroom and without hesitation he approached the bathroom door, his heart pounding in his ears as he opened the door, and what he saw nearly caused him to lose consciousness.

There, on the bathroom floor, Alessia sat with an unconscious and a soaking-wet Camilla in her arms.

Fear overwhelmed Fernando as he took in the scene, his mind racing with concern.

Alessia lifted her tear-filled eyes to meet his, her expression laden with guilt.

A lump formed in Fernando's throat as he whispered, "What happened?"

Sniffling, Alessia managed to utter through her sobs, "I don't know. I found her like this... in the bathtub."

"She's not breathing, Fernando," she added her words causing his breath to hitch in his throat.

The room filled with the sound of Alessia's desperate sobs, her body trembling with fear and despair.

With urgency and determination, Fernando rushed to her side, dropping to his knees beside them.

No words were needed as he gently took Camilla from her arms and carefully positioned her on the bathroom floor.

He tilted her head back slightly, ensuring her airway was clear.

Placing his hands on her chest, he began administering compressions, applying firm and rhythmic pressure to help circulate blood through her body.

"Come on, Cami... wake up," he murmured under his breath, his voice filled with a mix of hope and anguish.

Alessia watched with wide, tear-filled eyes, her heart aching with worry.

After a few more cycles of compressions, Fernando looked up at Alessia, his hands still engaged in the lifesaving efforts.

"Go... get your phone and call the hospital," he instructed, recognizing the need for immediate medical assistance.

Alessia, overwhelmed and shaken, sat still instead, looking momentarily frozen.

"Go now!" he urgently exclaimed, seeing her frozen, desperation seeping into his voice.

Alessia snapped out of her daze, her resolve reignited.

"Y-yes," she stammered, rushing out of the bathroom to fetch her phone.

Meanwhile, Fernando remained steadfastly by Camilla's side, his hands tirelessly performing the chest compressions.

Each compression felt like an eternity as he desperately fought to revive his daughter.

"Come on... come on... Camilla, please!"

His voice trembled with fear and desperation, his unwavering determination echoing through the room.

After what felt like an eternity, Camilla's body jolted, and she let out a weak cough, expelling water from her lungs.

Fernando acted swiftly, turning her onto her side to aid in clearing any lingering water and ensuring her airway remained unobstructed.

With trembling hands, he cradled her gently, offering comfort and reassurance as she coughed and struggled to breathe, her breaths shallow and uneven.

His voice quivered with a combination of fear and relief as he whispered, "It's okay. I'm here. You're going to be okay."

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