
Chapter 3

I opened my eyes slowly as a bright light dazzled my eyes.

"Where am I?" My hand gripped my head, which suddenly hurt a lot. Opening my eyes wide, I began to scan my surroundings. This place was like a hospital room but smaller. "What happened to me?" I also saw that my clothes had changed into hospital clothes.

"Hi, welcome back." A woman dressed as a nurse came to see me. The woman smiled kindly at me.

Perhaps she saw the confusion on my face, so she explained how I ended up in this clinic before I asked.

"There was someone who brought you here. You were unconscious, and all your clothes were wet."

I let out a long breath. I seemed to remember the incident where I was about to head to the inn to rest because my clothes were wet.

"Can I meet the person who helped bring me here? I want to thank him."

The head nurse shook her head slowly with a very regretful look. "Unfortunately, that person has left. He said he was swamped, so he couldn't wait until you woke up."

I was a little disappointed to hear that. "Do you know about that person?" I asked, trying to get information.

The nurse shook her head again. "He didn't leave anything behind."

"Oh." I sighed in disappointment at not being able to meet up to thank the person who had helped me. Then, I let out a short breath. My hand accidentally touched something. I glanced at a black suit next to me. I grabbed the suit.

"That coat belongs to that person. He left it because he saw you were so cold."

"I see." I looked at the suit more closely. Suddenly, my stomach felt sick, not because of the suit but because of something else. I felt like throwing up. It felt very uncomfortable. Something was wrong with my stomach.

I saw the nurse walk away from me, and in less than a minute, she came back to see me with a container for me. I immediately took it and was about to vomit something from my stomach, but I failed. The feeling of wanting to vomit up the contents of my stomach had disappeared. Then, I placed the container on my lap. "I'm sorry, I probably seem sick from the rain."

Moreover, I had just experienced something very extraordinary that hurt my heart. I felt that in this condition, it was only natural that I would get sick and experience a decline in my immune system.

I saw the nurse smile at me. "Miss, there is good news that will make you happy," she said, still smiling.

I looked at the nurse with a furrowed brow. "Good news?" I asked, confused. I felt very strange about what the nurse said.

"What happened to you? It's not as painful as you think."

"What does that mean?" I asked, still with a look of confusion.

The nurse smiled brightly again. "Congratulations, Miss, you are pregnant. That's why your body is weakening, and you feel nauseous like earlier."

Hearing these words from the nurse suddenly made me think quickly. My memory flew to the night incident when I accompanied Christian to an event at one of the luxury hotels. After the event was over, we decided to spend the night in one of the hotel rooms that night, the night where I had intercourse with Christian unprotected. How I still remember Christian's words that night.

"No problem, because soon we will be married."

Christian's words calmed me down because we would get married soon, and it didn't matter if I carried his child. I just remembered that my period was overdue, and it made me panic. I could only stay silent and didn't know what to do.


I raised my head and looked at the nurse standing before the bed.

"I'll leave you to rest. If you need anything, you can press the button next to the bed."

I nodded weakly. Then, the nurse left me alone. I couldn't hold back my sadness and let my tears fall. My body trembled slightly, knowing that there was currently another being residing inside my womb. How could I have gotten all this after I was dumped by the man I loved?

By noon, I felt my body was a little better, unlike when it was difficult to move freely. On the same day, after changing my clothes and picking up my bag, I left the clinic. I was going back to the inn. 

It turned out that this clinic was not far from the inn I was staying at. Only walking a few blocks, I had arrived at the inn. I just got out of the elevator to go to my room, when at the turn that will lead to the room, I saw several people dressed like thugs with faces full of piercings and creepy.

"Where is that woman? Why isn't she here?!"

I was surprised to hear what one of the men said. Was it me they were looking for? Considering they were standing in front of the room I was in. I tried to keep my body hidden so as not to be seen by them and make sure to hear what they were talking about.

"If we don't find her, how do we finish her?! Our client hates her so much! Hurry up and find that woman!"

Hearing that, I returned to the elevator and walked away from this place. I hope I don't run into those thugs, and again, who is the person who intends to kill me? Why has my life become this horrible?

I stepped quickly and, of course, remained vigilant in case those people found me. I don't understand how there could be someone who wants me dead. I don't know anything at the moment.

I stopped a taxi that happened to be passing by and hurriedly got into the vehicle while reciting the place's name in my head. I tried to neutralize the pounding of my heart that was beating so fast.

The taxi stopped in front of a cafe. I gave the driver an Uber and then got out of the vehicle.

I let out a short sigh, then walked on the sidewalk. There was a clothing store in front. I stepped into the store to buy a head covering. After leaving the shop, I went into the cafe next door to calm myself down.

After ordering a drink, I opened my phone to book a plane ticket to get away from there. I guess I had nothing left in this town. My father had kicked me out of his house, and to make matters worse, the person I thought would be my life partner had just dumped me. So, there's no point in me being here anymore. Plus, there's someone who wants me dead. Instead of staying here and being overwhelmed by fear, I should leave this city to save myself and my child.

After successfully booking a plane ticket, I ordered a taxi to the airport.

"Everything will be fine," I said as I rubbed my flat stomach.

It wasn't long before the taxi arrived in front of the cafe. I immediately left the cafe and got into the cab to the airport.

We passed through a tranquil and winding road to get to the airport. I was a little dizzy. Maybe it was the effect of earlier when I fainted.

I noticed that since earlier, the road we were on was tranquil. There weren't many vehicles traveling on this road, maybe only one or two.

There was a loud noise from the back of the taxi I was riding in. The driver and I looked back in surprise.

Behind our vehicle was a black SUV, but I couldn't see who was driving. Then the car pushed the car I was traveling into the side of the road where a guardrail indicated a ravine.

The car managed to hit our car until it hit the guardrail and plunged down the ravine. I screamed. My heart was beating so fast. My body bounced off the road and hit the car, and I could hear the screams of the taxi driver, who was in pain. I screamed again while clutching my stomach. Everything was spinning fast.

Don't let me lose anything again. Please.

"My child... it must be safe."

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
David Solomon
Hello nice job
goodnovel comment avatar
lorna florencio
Why having those misfortunes don’t understand so pity

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