
Chapter Seventy Six - Grand Finale : Unveiled Desires III


I charged toward the raging tributes, Nova following me from behind.

Nova and I moved in harmony, our swords glinting in the dim light of the arena. The tributes that stood before us, driven by desperation and the thirst for victory, were no match for our combined skill and determination.

The clash of steel against steel rang out as we met their opponents head-on. I parried a wild swing from a male tribute with sandy hair and countered with a swift strike to his side, sending him stumbling backward.

Nova faced a fierce female tribute with a scar across her cheek. Their swords clashed in a flurry of blows. Nova's agility allowed her to duck under a sweeping strike, and with a lightning-fast move, she slashed the tribute's leg. A cry of pain erupted as the tribute fell to the ground, clutching her wounded limb.

As we fought, Nova and I never lost sight of each other. Our unspoken communication was our greatest advantage. When I was momentarily surrounded, Nova swiftly cam
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