
17. Boston

I spent the better part of the week after El and I parted ways completely miserable. The worst part was that it wasn’t like ripping off a Band-Aid. She didn’t walk away from me and then leave me to nurse my wounds alone. She walked right back into my life every single day when I went over to the Cunning Ham after a full day at West Wines to help Mom.

It wasn’t her fault. El worked there. And I was glad—she was a phenomenal wine hostess and made more sales from behind the counter than I ever could have. I couldn’t wait to see what she’d do when we turned her loose on the unsuspected restaurants around here. But I wasn’t going to be at her side to celebrate with her.

And that hurt.

What hurt more was the way she utterly ignored me every evening when I arrived, literally turning away as if I didn’t even exist. She laughed and chatted with everyone who came through the door as if her life was just peachy, as if we hadn’t shared anything, as if none of it mattered to her.

Meanwhile, I mope
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