

“What are you doing here, Jared?” I questioned when I finally found the strength to stand up. Tyler wrapped his hands protectively around me and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I was the person on earth who needed protection. I was used to surviving on my own ever since I was born. It’s first nature.

“So it’s him…? He’s the one you left me for?” Jared questioned as he stood in his black tuxedo. His lips pursed in a line as his gaze burnt into my skin the desire for an explanation filled his eyes.

“You seem to forget one thing,” I said as I took a step forward. “We were never together” I reminded him softly and matched his stare.

“That’s why you found the next… gullible guy to hook up with? Just to get off the streets?” Jared spat.

I sighed. Took in his words and marched over to him, when I was close enough I ensured my hand collided with his cheek hard enough to snap his head in the wrong direction. Jared’s eyes widened and I heard Tyler stiffen a chuckle
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