

Whose fault is it if I don’t have a pair anymore because someone kneed them to kingdom come last night?”

There’s a fast blink, followed by an innocent, sweet smile. “I think the entire world would agree that the fault lies entirely with you for that one, my darling sweetheart of an unwanted fiancé. Entirely. With. You.”

She holds her head high, as she walks down the stairs, one small, dainty hand on the railing as she makes her way down. I stare after her, my mouth gaping open with a faint buzzing in my blood and a not-so-faint ache in my nuts at the reminder of last night. And I know. I know she’s as right about that as she has been about everything else.

Now that Plan A has backfired so spectacularly, I need to “put on my big boy breeches” and go for Plan B.

I suppose I should also figure out what Plan B is. Yeah, that’s right. So I thought this would go a lot more smoothly than it did. Har hardy har har.


Despite the whole salt of the earth, good people talk just given to me
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