
Send Them to Death

--Knight’s POV--

"How was she?"

Lucas slammed himself into the seat in front of my table. He smirked and snatched the glass of rum placed on the table.

"Better than you."

I gritted my teeth and tried to hold the fuse that was ready to burst inside me. Better what? Better than me? When did I ever get better since we split up?

"She’s on fire, bro. Doing fine. Looking good." Lucas added. I glared at him.

He wiggled his brows. "She even has this mocking smile on her face."

I breathed out and shut my eyes. I leaned back in my seat and massaged the bridge of my nose. I don’t know if I should be happy about that or go berserk. Did I let Lucas drop off her things that she left in my penthouse so he could get some news from her only for me to hear this? Why am I the only one who’s suffering here?

"Now that you know that she’s fine, doing well with her retarded friend who had the guts to call me an ape, what’s the next thing you’ll do?"

I raised an eyebrow at him. What bullsh*t is he talking ab
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