
Chapter 6~An Angel's Hero~

I must find her before it's too late- I thought, but just then the woman turned into a demon and yelled at him then flew out the window towards the woods. "The woods? Elizabeth!?" I said her name kind of loud and the man spoke " I know your there.... now save her before she turns and before she kills her...for I really did love her like my real daughter" He appeared in Damien's face and said one more thing "I may not approve of your love, but I have no room to talk, so please save her" And he touched me before fading into ash, I was in shock and blinked but didn't have much time before I felt power flowing through my veins, It hurt a lot but then I realized "h-he gave me the rest of his power!?" I coughed up blood and tried to collect myself, I need to save her before I pass out. I flew out the window at a huge amount of speed, I luckily caught her just landing and followed her. "There'ssss my ssssweet child" The baby boy woke up a bit and said "mommy....m-monster! Liz-" Then the woman grabbed the child and said "shut up! I'll kill her after I eat you because then you'll be with me forever!!" She did an ugly scratchy laugh and I tackled her to the ground suddenly. My tail that just appeared was long enough to catch the boy and put him down safely, I then kicked the women and went to the boy quickly and put a blanket over his head "I'm with you and your sister ok, now don't look it may be messy and I don't want a clean boy messy, ok?" The child nodded as he was shaking and grabbed my hand "s-stay safe"

I smiled and rubbed his head then turned just as the women lunged at me. She scratched and bit me before I was able to get ahold of myself, but thanks to this new power I was able to block some of the attacks.


I scratched her eyes out and stabbed my now long claws through her stomach and she roared in pain. She then scratched my throat and realized she had poisoned claws, as acid started to eat away the human flesh, I gritted my teeth and stabbed her through all 4 of her hearts using my nails, her body went limp and I through her off my arm and heard my name being yelled. The owner of the voice sounded so worried yet made me feel so warm and I looked over to see a blurry Elizabeth, but I then smiled before everything went black.

 Damien woke up and blinked, "ugh..I-I'm alive?" A hot towel was then put on his neck, and he gritted in pain.  He looked over and saw Elizabeth cleaning another towel in a small bucket, he smiled a bit and she noticed he was awake Her face however went from happy to sad to very mad, -uh oh- he thought in his head. She flicked his nose and said "you Baka!! Why did u take her on alone!? You had me worried!? And you scared my brother half to death!!" He snickered and said "I worried you? Thought you didn't care~" She made a fist at him and glared, but he just laughed and said "fine I'll stop" He was quiet while she finished helping him and he finally spoke up"You know what you are right?" She nodded "an Angel blah blah blah I know" He sighed and said "you're a fallen Angel and I have 10% angel in me" she dropped her towel and said, "What." He smiled lightly, "I didn't stutter Elizabeth, we are also wanted because our parents loved each other, and we weren't supposed to live" Elizabeth raised her eyebrow. "What I mean is that you gods daughter and I'm the devil's angel and a devil somehow be-witched our parents," Elizabeth thought for a moment "So an angel tricked the devil and a devil tricked god, ok good so we aren't siblings phew" Damien smirked "Why? was someone being naughty during my sleep? ~" Elizabeth turned bright red and wacked him. He laughed and rubbed her head,

"I'm kidding love, now may I sit up?" She nodded and he slowly sat up. Damien looked into Elizabeth's eyes, then looked at her lips, He came closer, and it looked like he was bewitched, and grabbed her chin gently, then slowly leaned into her. She felt like she should lean in and let him but then she heard Sean as he said "Ew gross teenagers kissing" I quickly pushed him away and waved my hands in front of me as I was bright red, "It's not what it looks like Sean! he was checking my uh eyes for something"

Sean rolled his eyes and hugged Elizabeth and glared at Damien "You may have saved my sister, but I don't trust you" Damien smiled and nodded "That's ok, I'll show you how cool I can be" Elizabeth looked at Damien and mouthed the words "We'll talk about the Thing later" and he nodded. At 12:30 Pm Damien woke me up and asked if now was a good enough time. I nodded and snuck out of my blankets, and out of Sean's sleepy arms. We sat at the edge of the forest area and Damien told me what he heard my -Parents say- "They were fighting over not killing you in time, how Sean is human and they were a demon and a now fallen angel, how they were forced to watch you since you weren't a full blood child of god." All of this was so confusing but he also told me how it's the same with his -Parents- but an angel and a demon worked together to trick god and the devil, and how they both had a child from their opposites and couldn't take the child so they forced the 4 angels and demons, that was banished for loving each other, to do it instead of killing us instead

I blinked and almost didn't believe him until I remembered the first time I used my powers and the time before that. I sat against the wall and thought forever, "Well what are we going to do? go to hell and heaven to finish the job or something?" I was clearly kidding but Damien made it worse for my thoughts by telling me HE had an idea of his own. So far most of his ideas had to deal with something that was dangerous or completely stupid, like once he asked if we should just run from it all, or go underground, or fight satan and god ourselves?! those are all crazy and stupid, I don't want to run and hide or DIE for that matter. So I told him the last idea might be good enough, but we would need to train first and I knew just the person to help. I told him about that cashier who gave me all the free food and supplies and said he was on our side, but Damien seemed to get jealous and said "I don't like him"

"He seems a little too obsessed with you" I rolled my eyes "I don't know why your acting like this, he seems nice and I already invited him to come to the cave-" Damien jumped up "You told him where were hiding?! Liz!! what if he tricks you or he IS tricking you?" I sighed and pointed behind you "Oh well" The cashier from the liquor store was standing there with two adult backpacks and a children's backpack as well "Um am I unwanted? because I can go and wait" I shake my head and run over to him "No it's fine calm down, he's just a little tired I think" I was trying to be nice and stand up for them both but Damien had to go and be a bit much. "Yes, in fact, you're not needed, your just an Angel so you wouldn't know how to train both of us" The cashier didn't look stunned, instead, he looked at me and I stared at Damien, No I glared. "Just an Angel huh...

"Well guess I'll be the only one being trained since he's just an angel because so am I, fallen angels are bad angels judged by god and sent to the human world to have another chance to be an angel, But I didn't have a choice, I didn't get to be good or bad and I was forgotten until I found YOU, I was invisible until I met YOU, but it seems I was just an angel to you huh?" Damien stuttered "T-that's not what I meant dammit, I-I-" I stopped him "It's fine I get that your mad... but that was too far" I turned my back to him and went out the cave entrance "Come on..." "Noah, the names Noah" "Come on Noah, you get to train me first" I saw Noah turn his head for a second then turn back to walk with me and said "Of course princess, anything for my idle" I don't know why he turned to look at Damien but at that time I didn't care little did my heart knows, this was the start of a childish blush and love war between Damien and Noah...over someone like me. 

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