

Hunter’s POV

Everything is going as planned, Xavier that’s the name of the brown wolf, he was easy to crack just as I expected but rather too easy, I didn’t have to threaten him or hurt him before he told me his name, and when he started working for them.

Something is wrong, if he works for them he can’t be so easy to crack, he has to be tough, I suspected him when I came up with the deal for him to be our informant and he agreed immediately, the fucker didn’t ask what he would be getting out of it, I immediately sensed something is wrong and the fucker didn’t even ask why I’m doing this, no questions asked and he is agreeing to everything.

Lucas and I were outside to discuss something while Luke was with Xavier, we tied Xavier up.

“They knew we were coming,” I said to Lucas.

“What if they are keeping tabs on us Alpha,” Lucas asked.

“That could be possible maybe after they attacked Mike they started keeping an eye on us and they saw you keeping an eye on them, that could be possible
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