
Chapter-19 Finally,I found her

Richard's POV***

After hearing that she left,I was all of the sudden filled with anger not with her but with myself .I hated myself how I treated her ,how I turn my back on her .I still remember that afternoon that even if I said those things to her she again tried to come towards me with the hope that I will believed her but I flinch her away. And its been almost three weeks and still she didn't even call me back once nor replied my texts even if she read it .And I know for sure that she was truly mad with me and I deserved it .

2 weeks ago: flashback ~~~

When mom called me and told about Erica has left for Boston startled me but the most surprising was that she didn't told mom the real reason why she was going in fact she lied ,she lied to why exactly she is leaving. 

Upon hearing mom out,a feeling of guilt runs through me as my mind came back to track because as to how can I ever thought that she would do such a shameless act towards some other man ,Damn!!!.

On that day she confessed to me that she loved me her words had full of sincerity and affection but me being a jerk and a*shole made fun of her feelings but she didn't say anything and today when I told her to get out from my life ,she did it without any protest,why are you like this,why are you so weak ?

I punch my desk with my hand in fist before I yell,

"Fu*k" then I heard a dragged of shoe and I lifted head up only to see my PA standing in front of the door with a horror.

I sigh and sat back on my chair and said in a calm voice,

"what is it Peary ??"

She walk forward and stop in front of my desk and said

"here is the file sir,about the Mexico project "and she handed the file.

"and sir Mr Barbara wants to meet you ,he asked when can you meet him in order to discuss about the upcoming project with their company"

I put down the file on my desk and rubbed my forehead and then said,

"Thursday inform him that"

"yes,sir"she replied and she walk out.

I began to go throw the file but then I wasn't able to concentrate ,so I kept all my work aside and walk out of my cabin. And I said,

"Peary "

She stood up and said 


"cancel all the meetings for today"I order and she nodded before I walk away.

I was on my way home but something inside tell me that it won't be a home anymore without her,without her being there its all a warehouse .....For Christ sake what am I thinking !!!I'll fell better when I drink ,yes!!

"driver,take me to the bar"

"yes,sir"and we drove away.

~~~flashback end~~~~

I really can't concentrate on my work and its been like this ever since she left me ,I even messed up in two of my meetings and now ,I am still in my office but really can't get her out of my mind. So ,I stood up from my desk and dash out of my office and went to the club .Even if I am in the club I can't get her out of my mind still now,I have been drinking ever since she left, I even tend to see her face in every face of the girls present here,so I rush out from there and went straight home but as I came in ,I saw my mom seated in the living room and I rushed towards her and stoop in front of her and said,

"mom,what are you doing here?"

She stood up and crossed her arms over her chest and angrily said,"I should asked you that what have you been doing Mr Richard winkleman and why have you been drinking at this hour?"

I narrowed my head and just stood there in silence .Then I felt her hand cup my face and lift it to face her.

"what happen dear?why are you acting this way?did something happen between you and Erica ?tell me my baby"

"mom,I screwed up everything ,its me who didn't believed her ,its me who told her to get away from my life ....",my tears rolled out. I can't believe myself I am crying for her ,crying for someone for the first time.

"baby,don't cry, its okay everyone has misunderstanding in their lifes and you just did and it doesn't mean it can't be solved"she said as she pat my back.

"mom ,I am a pathetic man"

"no,son you are not..."I cut her off

"no mom,I am ,she came to me with the hope that the one she loved will believed her and helped her but me ,I am not feat to love her even if I realised that I love he........"my eyes widen as I confessed my feelings and I sat straight on my back since I was hugging my mom earlier and as I turn to see my mom,she was smiling and staring at me.

"mom did I just said I love her?"I said in astonishment.

She nodded her head and smile,"yes you just did son and I am so happy that you love her back"

"but mom,she is really mad at me,she didn't call me nor text me back"I stated as I fisted my hands.

"she sure is,this morning I called on her cellphone but it turn out to be switch off and so ,I called her mother and I asked her about it and she didn't seems to know the truth ,which you told me just now but she did suspect her that something was off about her and then later she called me up when she found out the real reason but she didn't explain the exact reason as to why she left,I think there is more ?",

she stated

I nodded my head and asked,

"did you asked how she is?

"she did told me that before she confessed they did heard her crying sometimes but she just made some lame excuses,oh!!dear Erica "she said with a sadness .

"mom what should I do to get her back?"I asked but then a voice startled both me and mom.

"you should go and win her back after all you are the son of Winkleman and Winkleman are fighters and we never give up on what we truly want,right darling"dad said as he walk towards us.

Mom shook her head as she smile to what he said before she stood up and held him.

I also stood up and smile and said 

"yes dad ,I can't give up on her not this time"

"so what are we waiting for lets go now?"dad said.

"now??"both mom and me said together and stare at him in astonishment.

"yes,I have everything set and after all we can have a little family vacation and Richard starting from next month you aren't going to get any vacation because you are going to take over my place"he said with a smile.

"I don't need any vacation if the girl I want is beside me"I said with a smirk.

They both look into each other eyes and smiled at each other.

After packing our luggage ,we went to airport and when we reach we went inside our private jet and flew off to Boston. Hours of travelling we finally reached Boston,and then we drove away to Day's resident ,we were in the car and we have reached the main core of the state so,I thought that we can now get out and go inside her house but then the car didn't stop in fact we were driving away in some isolated place where there are only woods on both side .We drove for about thirty minutes and then all of the sudden I saw a house between the woods and finally we reach and the driver pulled over in front of the house ,where I saw Mr and Mrs Day waiting for us at the doorway .

We all came out and mom and dad greeted her parents whereas I was looking around searching for her to catch a glimpse of her but she wasn't anywhere ,so I took out my cellphone and began to type.

"I AM HERE OUTSIDE YOUR HOUSE TO TAKE YOU HOME TO OUR HOUSE" and press the send and then within a second she read my text,I smiled as I saw the read word appear. 

And after that I look through the house from here and I smiled as how the house is beautifully constructed, even though its not that big but I also noticed that there are only two windows in the down floor and on the upper floor there is only a ventilat.....wait!!!who is there??Then I saw her green eyes behind that ventilation looking at me but as our eyes meet, she disappeared behind those wall and a smile formed in my face.

Finally ,I found her....


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