
The pity kiss


It was another morning and the students in the palace were already dressed for school, they were at the dining hall to eat breakfast. Alpha Lucius had eye bags underneath his eyes, he couldn't sleep last night even after he fucked Asena, not to his satisfaction because her words cut him off.

Asena tried to sleep in his room but he bluntly refused, asking her to leave which she gladly after reminding him of her request for the second time. This request, the Alpha has been restless ever since then. He had no idea how to deal with it but whichever way he wanted to, he always remembered that he owed Asena.

Faricenda stole glances at Alpha Lucius frequently no matter how hard she tried not to. She wondered why he had eye bags, was it because of the stress of supervising the pack? Or something else she didn't know about? She bit her lips hard while roaming her fork on her plate, her inside wasn't at peace and she hated it.

She glanced at Asena who was on smiles and Fa
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