
Chapter 48: Need to do it

" Good morning honey" I felt a peck on my forehead and I flutter my eyes open.

He was there, his cheek supported by his elbow and he was gazing at me with affection in his eyes.

I fixed my eyes on his and all I could see was a normal man looking at his mate with love.

" Morning" I croaked and he gave me a wild smile.

So this is real. Louis and I are back together.

" Slept well?" He asked, the smile not leaving his lips and o nodded. Even if I don't know when I slept off, I believe I slept well.

" Great!" He exclaimed and pecked my eyelids. Taking me by surprise.

" How is my baby doing in there,?" He asked and gently place his hand on my belly. I tensed and I unconsciously placed my hand on his.

" He is doing good" I answered, not taking my eyes off his, and stroked his hand with my thumb.

" Is this real?" The words left my mouth and I gulped. I'm still finding it difficult to believe this is real. It looks like one of my wild imaginations.

" Yes, honey" he answered and returned hi
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