

Her mind swirled like a tempest, mixed in a dilemma. She longed for clarity, for some glimpse of understanding in the midst of the confusion that enveloped her

“I am Cora, Alex’s Fiancée, so it’s best you stay away from my man. We are engaged to be married soon.” She warned, her voice filled with pride, as she elegantly displayed a magnificent diamond ring on her finger.

“Why are you telling me this?” Amelia asked, her tone portraying a hint of suspicion. She snorted softly, crossing her arms and placing her hands on top of each other, her posture exuding confidence, meeting Cora’s gaze with a bold stare

“I have absolutely nothing to do with Alex. So, you can be rest assured you have nothing to worry about.” Amelia asserted, a touch of defiance in her voice. “What could he possibly gain from associating with someone like me?” her voice softened, with a touch of sadness in her eyes as she let her hands fall to her sides.

“Yeah, you are right’” Cora replied, her tone filled with mockery, “You’re nothing but a loser!”

Following the conversation, Cora turned and walked away, her shoulders squared in a display of confidence, leaving Amelia standing there, stunned by the sudden hostility.

As she approached her car, Cora reached for her phone and dialed Lucy’s number. “Hi Lucy,” she said, her voice filled with satisfaction, “You got the address right, your tracking data worked. I knew I could count on you for accurate information.” she let out a sigh, pleased with the successful outcome.

“Now, onto the next plan,” Cora said to Lucy, her voice filled with excitement and determination.

“Okay, I will inform you on any details I receive.” Lucy responded

“Do not let me down.” Cora let out a short smile, and as she ended the call, the car sped away.

Amelia stood still for a moment. She couldn’t come to terms with the occurrence that had just happened. Her mind raced as she replayed the encounter in her head, the scene of the interaction bore down on her, causing her steps to seem unsteady, and she couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease that gripped her.

She knew, deep down, that this moment marked a turning point in her life and nothing would ever be the same again. Upon arriving home, she reached for the door, her movements heavy with exhaustion, she closed the door behind her and let out a sigh. Without bothering to change her clothes, she made her way to the bed, as the minutes ticked, she drifted off into a restless slumber.

As the hours slipped away, the night gave way to morning, a soft light began to filter into the curtains as the sun shone so brightly

Amelia woke up feeling refreshed from last night’s sleep. She headed to the bathroom and hurriedly took a shower, got dressed for work, and had a light breakfast, and thereafter, she made her way out of the house, heading to her workplace.

Few hours had passed upon her arrival at her workplace, making it noon already with a large number of customers trooping into the bar, requiring attention of the bar attendants and placing orders.

There was a lively and noisy atmosphere in the bar, with people chatting and talking, and thereafter, Alex walked into the premises with an air of confidence. Each step deliberately commanding attention, his posture was straight, his movement causing heads to turn, and all eyes were drawn to him. Clearly, his presence had captivated everyone.

“Damn it!”

“Why is he here?” Amelia snared, letting out a sigh, forcefully exhaling through the nose

Alex’s eyes wandered through the entire bar in search of Amelia; he hadn’t set his eyes on her since the last time they conversed. She lived in his thoughts rent-free, so he longed for a day like this, where he could finally see her again.

“Oh! There she is.” His eyes finally landing on Amelia. He couldn’t help but smile, his whole being lightened up in joy.

As Amelia caught sight of Alex approaching, a wave of panic surged through her. She knew she needed to avoid him, at least for now. Turning to Flora, she forced a smile and whispered, “Please, can you cover for me? I really need to use the restroom.”

“Okay, not a problem at all.” She replied

“Don’t just stay too long” Flora chuckled

As she walked few miles away from Flora, Amelia heard her name being called

“Amelia!” Alex called her out, his voice firm yet calm

“Damn it! I wasn’t fast enough,” Amelia muttered under her breath as she grumbled, frustration evident in her tone.

As she turned towards him, forcing a smile, Amelia said, “Hello, Mr. Tate, how may I help you please?”

“Mr. Tate?”

“Wait, hold on. I’m a bit confused. When did you start calling me that?” Alex’s brow furrowed in confusion.

“Well, ever since I found out about your fiancée,” Amelia said, overlapping her hands.

Alex’s eyes widened in shock, “Fiancée?!” “What are you talking about Amelia,” he exclaimed.

“If you will please excuse me, I have other important matters to attend to” Amelia said, walking towards the restroom.

Upon arriving at the restroom, she splashed cold water on her face as she tried to steady her nerves, she took a deep breath and gazed at her reflection in the mirror. Letting out a sigh, she made her way out.

“Amelia, What took you so long?!” Flora exclaimed

“Oh I‘m so sorry, I got lost in thoughts” Amelia responded, her voice soft and shaky

“Is everything okay?” Flora asked, showing concern as she placed her hand on Amelia’s shoulder, offering comfort.

“I’m fine, Flora.” She replied

“Okay, if you say so. Anyway, Mr. Alex said he needed to see you before he leaves so please put that in mind. You can’t go now because he’s in a meeting with the manager.

Mr. Sebastian had fixed an impromptu meeting with Alex, it was a matter of urgency that warranted his relocation, as his presence was needed at home. For years, he had lived apart from his family, and the time was right for him to return, especially since he and his wife were expecting a baby.

Knowing that Alex owned a higher percentage of shares in the bar, he decided to sell the property with the intention of setting up another one at the location he was relocating to. After a few thoughts, Alex obliged to the offer and decided to buy and own the property.

As they drifted off from the initial conversation and decided to discuss on other important things, Alex’s phone suddenly rang, interrupting the communication flow. He glanced at his phone’s screen and as he noticed it was Mr. Lawrence calling, his curiosity was piqued.

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