

Romans POV

Daphne’s wolf spoke for her that much I was certain of. Though it worried me she was able to come forward at all. There were zero doubts in my mind that magic of some kind was at play, but I needed to know how much control it had over her. And what the source of it was.

Magic had it limits as did those using it. To re-enable someone to shift wasn’t something your ordinary witch was capable of. It would have taken the entirety of a powerful coven at the very least, and there wasn’t many that powerful around. No coven that would weaken itself for a wolf anyway. All signs led to the work of Hades; coincidence just wasn’t an option.

Not giving Daphne or her wolf the chance to provoke Cleo further, I pushed her from the cell nodding to Eric who knew to quickly pull the door shut sealing it from the inside. I was fine with having given Daphne a chance, but now, in my eyes her wolf had just made a declaration of war on my family. That was something I wasn’t about to let slide. No
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