


As soon as I finished eating, I lay down on the bed. I was a little irritated with James, but the truth is, I didn't mean to say that to him. Least of all putting Stanley in the middle and sending him to hell too. He didn't do anything wrong...

I gasped tiredly.

My breasts were starting to throb and I was starting to sweat too. Other Effects of Heat. I got up and opened the window a little to let the wind in. The season was already starting to cool, but it felt like a summer breeze to me.

When I got back into bed, I felt like my underwear couldn't get any wetter than it already was. Oh what the fuck... This is happening too fast. I slid into bed and stared at the ceiling. I could smell my own perfume. The pheromones were getting stronger.

Suddenly I heard someone knocking on the door.

"Sarah, I bought chocolate pie, want to come eat? ’ It was Stanley’s voice. He had arrived. “Sarah? I could smell a little of him coming in through the cracks.

"I don't want to, I'm fine. I lied an
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