
Chapter 71

Renee's POV

Ethan snapped awake next to me.

"What's wrong are you ok?" His voice was still laced with sleepiness, but his eyes were wide as they took in my disheveled appearance.

"I'm, ok" I reached to place a hand on his thigh in hopes of calming him down.

"What happened, why are you so sweaty? Are you sick?"

"I'm not sure and no I feel fine." To be honest I didn't know what I just experienced. It was much more intense than any other vision I have ever had, and my gut told me it wasn't a dream either. "Can I just show you?" I wasn't sure how to explain the experience.

"Of course," Ethan answered scooting closer to me. I could still see how concerned he was about me. I raised my hands to his temples to share my memory of what I just experienced.

"I don't see anything" Ethan said opening his eyes to look at me.

"Um ok, I will try again" I focused on the memory but once again nothing.

"Nothing" Ethan's concern was growing his brows were furrowed studying me.

"Let me try a diffe
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