
Chapter 77

Renee’s POV

“I feel fine Doctor, not to worry, where is Ethan?”

“Alpha Ethan had some business to attend to off pack land and should return shorty.” Doctor Reagan answered. I was still reeling from what I had just experienced part of me wanted to believe it was just a dream, but in my heart and soul I knew it was not. I went to get out of the bed, I needed to speak with Esther as soon as possible.

“Luna, what are doing?” the doctor questioned

“I need to see Esther at once.” I answered

“I will call her, please you need your rest.”

“I have been asleep for hours doctor, I have had my rest, I need to see Esther.” I flung the doors open to the hall, surprised to find Klaus and Blake stationed outside, the pack warriors I met at the gate on my first day.

“Good evening, Luna may we be of assistance?” Klaus asked while tilting his head obviously curious about what I was doing.

“No need, I am just going to talk to Esther”

“Allow us to escort you there” Blake answered

“That’s really not necessary, I know the way”

“We insist, Luna, as does the Alpha” Klaus answered, I know it was out of concern for my safety but the last thing I needed right now was two shadows.

“I am well, and we are in the pack house, it really isn’t necessary” I tried to persuade them, but to no avail.

“Alpha orders, are Alpha orders, we will escort you.” Klaus answered, I huffed at the inconvenience, but I was worried if I protested to much they might catch on, I will just have to figure it out later.

“Fine, I can see I don’t have a choice” I said as I turned to go down the hall to the stairs that would lead me to the lower floor and Esther’s room. When we got there, I knocked on the door and the answer was almost immediate.

“Come in” I proceeded inside and much to my surprise Klaus and Blake stepped forward to follow.

“Please wait here” I could see they were still hesitant to let me go alone “I have very private matters to discuss with Esther.” I pleaded

“Ok fine, but we will be right outside this door.”

“Fine” I said as I pulled the door shut behind me.

“Good to see you on your feet again Renee.” Esther said as she looked me over

“Yes, thank you, but I don’t really have time to discuss such matters.” I said while taking a seat on the couch. Esther looked at me with curiosity “I don’t have a lot of time to explain but I believe that Amber has been kidnapped by Elizabeth, and I am hoping you will be able to help me.” Now Esther looked rather shocked

“I’m sorry Renee, but you really must tell me why you think that” I don’t believe I have ever seen such emotion on Esther’s face before, she looked almost giddy.

I took a deep breath wondering how much information I should divulge, and furthermore, how to explain it in a way that I didn’t sound completely mad.

“It came to me in a vision” I answered hoping maybe that would enough.

“Renee, I do feel I should tell you, that visions can’t always be trusted.”

“It wasn’t just a vision, it was as if Elizabeth was inside my mind, I know it wasn’t a dream.”

“Ah I see, so she had her witch reach you. What did Elizabeth have to say for herself?”

“She told me she had Amber and that I am to meet her in less than two hours’ time now at midnight, she also said she had distracted Ethan to make my escape from pack territory easier.”

“So, it is a distraction I shall notify Ethan at once” Esther answered

“Wait you can’t! Elizabeth made it clear, I am to talk to no one about this, I am already taking a risk. I know Ethan is safe right now I can feel our bond.”

“I am not sure what it is you expect me to do, Renee?”

“Is there any way to shield or protect Amber from here?”

“I am afraid not” my world was crashing down around me; I didn’t know what to do Esther was my only hope out of this mess.

“You can’t go, Renee, she will kill you and then she will kill Amber, if she hasn’t already. If you go you will only be giving Elizabeth exactly what she wants.” I could feel tears staining my cheeks once more, but I had to be strong.

“Are you going to stop me?” I questioned

“No, I have lived too long and seen too many people have their choices taken away from them to ever do that to someone, but I beg you to reconsider.”

“And there is nothing else you can do to help me? I don’t want to do this, I know I will probably die, but she is like my sister, I cannot do nothing!”

“There is one thing I can do, but it will merely buy you time.”

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