
Chapter Thirty Nine: Possessive much?

“ Get your hands off my mate,” Mac growled


His mate? He calls me that now? funny, only when he needed an upper hand did he recognize me.

I suddenly felt like the grass upon which two elephants fought. As if reading my mind, Luke responded equally as flabbergasted.

“ You call her your mate? You want to claim her now?” Luke sneered shaking his head and staring at the hard face of Mac, an equally murderous look on his face.

He took three steps away from me and approached Mac, seeing them this way reminded me of when I saw them hurdled over each other at the back of the club that night, I shook my head. Forcing the train of thought to stop instantly. Not now

Luke was obviously taller, and he looked a lot more threatening than Mac right now. They took slow steps toward each other, and it felt like the temperature of the room was slowly rising. but while Luke’s body motion showed he was still aware of my presence in the room, Mac's motion did nothing to show that he was aware of
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