


*new post*

Hi. So last night happened which was unexpected. Wish everything would feel better already.

#kevincheated #chelseabrokenheartemojis #upheaval #harrywatersballnightcrash #amhurt

The comments started to come in.

lolligurl ×are you okay Chelsea?×

foreignbibee ×Kevin deserves to burn in hell×

nofaker101 ×you both looked so good together (crying emoji times three)×


screamingbanshee ×ugh, last night was so dramatic×

Chelsea smiled as he read the encouragements and threats against Kevin. He would have to do a live video really soon, with fake tears dripping down his face and tissue boxes surrounding him. He'd sniff and cry and bring snot out if his nose, then after a few weeks, he'd post pictures and videos showing that he's moved on and is on a path of self discovery. He would've done it now but he wasn't in the mood to be vulnerable. He needed to think clearer, without an headache lingering in the back of his head.

Last night had been the worst night of his life. It even beats the time he'd tripped while doing a live feed and fallen into a water fountain, gulping in one of the small colourful fishes. He still shuddered everytime.

His phone beeped again, a new comment. He frowned at it.

annihilatorAK47 ×y'all shouldn't be so ignorant. Remember the waiter he'd kissed? Chelsea is so self absorbed that he'd looked past the fact that he'd literally harassed somebody at his workplace and had shamed him for having an 'unusual' face. Being beautiful is not just about having a pretty face and you Chelsea are the ugliest person I've ever seen.


Chelsea scoffed. What? He couldn't believe it. Who the hell did this person think they were?

meeeeee2U ×what?!!!! Chelsea is perrrrfect both in and out×

lgbtqsoul ×i was thinking the same thing annihilatorAK47. The waiter didn't deserve to be treated the way he'd been treated last night.

ofcourseimalive ×chelsea is such a whiny spoilt bitch

rocknrollrocksandrolls ×influencers are so influenced by the beauty quota.

nannyfae ×you have been a bad boy dear Chelsea

justiceforall ×the waiter deserves an apology from you Chelsea


claudia106 ×rich people are such snobs

dontknowdontcare247 ×dieeeeee Chelsea Waters!!!!!

Chelsea widened his face in horror at the curse words and demeaning remarks that rushed in. What? He was the one that'd gotten cheated on and they were more concerned about a waiter whom he'd kissed. He barely remembered what happened after that. He'd woken at 10am with a melted tub of ice cream clutched in his arms and season three of Brooklyn nine nine playing on the big TV screen opposite the bed.

He'd been grateful for not ending up in a ditch somewhere or in a lanky motel where the owner installs cameras in rooms to catch unsuspecting lodgers in their nudes to sell on the dark web or something.

annihilatorAK47 ×we should put an end to the tyranny of rich snobbish boys on social media trying to modify what beauty should be.


Someone unfollowed him. Then ten. It was a hundred next. He screamed. He'd lost more than a thousand followers already in less than two minutes. He gripped his phone tighter and refused to believe his eyes. He was losing his followers fast, more comments drowning him.

Was this a bad dream or the scheme of some other influencer who wanted him out of the way.

His phone rang. He saw the picture of Lily's smiling face, his number one supporter, on the caller ID.

"On a scale of one to ten, how freaked out are you?" Her soothing voice asked.

"An eleven."

"Which means you're freaked out bad."

"What the hell do I do Lily, they're leaving like water in a basket."

"First, a deep breath Chelsea."

He breathe deeply, gathering as much air as possible.

"Let it out."

He released the withheld breath.

"Now, don't talk in that high pitched tone of yours. Last night was a complete mess Chelsea, a big one."

"Tell me you've found a way to fix it. " Knowing Lily, she probably already did. She was the most efficient person he knew. She was a vibrant twenty something but worked like a computer.

" I have a plan."

Everything suddenly seemed less gloomy.

"You remember the Malibu trio?"

Pineapples, lots of sand and three egoistical real rich snobs.

"Who can ever forget the three idiots who'd ran over a dog while drinking and driving. That'd been a wild story. Hashtag revenge for all puppies, hashtag puppies love."

"Yeah and they'd later adopted the lost puppy since the owners didn't want him anymore."

"Yeah, in that one video where they'd taken it to a vet last year, Hanhaw's dick print did seem a lot bigger than it normally did. I would know since I blew him last spring at his birthday bash. Ugh, remind me why I'd gone to that party? I can still taste the horse's semen, tell me why I'd done the dare OMG......."

"You're going a little off track here Chelsea, paddle back to the puppy's adoption part."

"It was real cute with lots of I*******m lovey doveyness, please get to the point that I kinda seem to be missing here."

" Exactly Chelsea, that's what you are going to do."

"I should adopt a dog?"

" No, the waiter."

" I should adopt the server at last night's gala."

"No for goodness sake Chelsea. You said the word, lovey doveyness, except, your hashtag is gonna be hashtag beauty friends beast."

"You're saying I should befriend him."

"In front of the camera, you have to show your fans that you can admit to a wrong and correct it. Easy peasy."

"What?! I'm not doing it. I'm not staying here long enough to pull up a shenanigan like that. I plan to leave for New York the day after tomorrow."

"What happened to LA?"

"My dad lives there and I don't want us crossing paths till the whole thing has dialled down completely."

"More reason for you to do this."

"What if he refuses?"

"You'll offer him something he cannot refuse "

"There's no way I'm gonna sleep with him."

"No, not sex. Why did your mind go to sex first?"

"Because, hello, I'm Chelsea Waters, an embodiment of hotness and sass. Who wouldn't wanna have his way with me? "

"I wouldn't."

"You have a wife, a butch one."

"Greatest decision of my life."

"Yeah, so what am I gonna offer him. A virgin?"

"Money dummy, you're rich. Use it."

He was rich and he could use it. Money buys a lot of things. Fancy cars, an expensive watch, vacations, even the cooperation of a weird waiter. He could do it. It was just like Tom Loony would say, ' you've gotta do what you've gotta do to do what you've gotta do.'

"How do I reach out to him? Anybody miraculously knows where the man disappeared to last night?"

"I've got that covered, I'll send you his work address, all of last night's employees had filled in their information and he'd come recommended by a person who seems important enough to be taken seriously."

"Knew I could count on you. You're a ray of sunshine in my dark life."

"And I'm the sun in my partner's. I'm a person of great importance, to my partner mostly."

It hit him with a pang in his chest. Partner. So sure and confident. He'd lost that last night. The image of Kevin kissing the other guy, kissing him so boldly at the event, for the eyes of the everyone to see. For him to see, like he didn't care if Chelsea got his heart broken in a million pieces.

"It's gonna get better Chelsea."

He didn't say anything to that.

"Send the address Lily, I just wanna get everything over with."

Right now, getting his fans back was the most important thing. Everything else could come after.

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