


Chelsea sliced a knife into a lime. He squeezed the cut fruit into a glass that was already almost half filled with sour citric liquid. The anger and embarrassment that filled him was a turmoil of feelings he didn't want to feel. How dare the fecal, scar faced pig worker treat him that way? Anger burned through him, more from shame. He'd pushed him in pigs' feces, disgusting animals as they were. He took another lime from the bowl beside him and sliced into that one too.

Chelsea had never been treated that way in his entire life. He'd just wanted to help him and he'd been pushed away. Into shit. He wanted to scream. It was like the universe was trying to show him what his situation was currently like. Shitty. And she'd used an ugly slipshod to foretell it. Ugh. Who did he even think he was?

He felt the pain before he realised he'd cut himself. He swore before cleaning it with the dish towel next to the bowl. He felt so stupid and juvenile, just like how he felt when he was around his father. His father never failed to prove to him how right that was. His new injury still hurt so he sucked the injured index finger. It wasn't really a deep cut but he'd always been frightened with cuts and wounds since he'd been little.

He kept sucking the finger as he glared at the squeezed out limes that were littered on the counter like they'd offended him. He didn't even know why he was squeezing limes. All he knew was that it matched his foul mood. He dropped the knife and it clattered on the floor. He sighed.

He eyed his phone from where it was, near the sink. He wanted to dunk it in. It was a dreadful sight as he pondered on what he would do since he #epicfailed where Arc was concerned. The guy was just so infuriating. He'd tried to be his nicest and it'd all gone downhill to poop town where he was concerned. He hated that Arc had pushed him away, he hated that he'd fallen into poop and he hated that he hadn't said sorry after that, instead choosing to insinuate Chelsea's bathing essentials. He didn't even like lavender, he preferred strawberry. And the way he'd said sweet smelling soaps like it was a criticism against all soaps that ever existed.

He wanted to go back there and put him in his place. A person like Arc should even be elated to get his attention. He was a media sensation, a number one influencer and was counted as one of the 50 most followed popular personalities in the world. Not anymore. He'd been sent a news headline through his email, stating his demotion to the top 20 most not followed celebrities in the world. He was terrified to go through his phone for fear of being reminded of how his life was major chaos.

He scratched his head. He didn't know what else to do. What had Arc expected from him? He should've probably brought a fruit basket as a peace offering. Everything had taken a downturn when he'd tried to touch him. His neck and face had seemed so red and blistered that it was a surprise Chelsea hadn't noticed when he was standing outside the white picket fencing around the pigs' pens. Chelsea had been so afraid of the pigs at first and conquering that fear hadn't amounted to anything. He'd watched as one of the hotel's cleaners carted away his previous attire. His boots. Chelsea huffed. He didn't need Arc or whatever his name was. He always found solutions to his problems himself without needing anybody's help.

He needed to be objective. He was going to go live right there and then. Fuck Arc. His fans adored him too much to completely leave. He took a lime and cried out as he squeezed it into his eyes. It stinged like a porcupines' needle stabbing through his visionary senses. It was like going blind. His eyes turned teary and although it hurt like a bitch, it was a small sacrifice. He waited for the sting to lessen first before he patted water on his face then he was ready.

He grabbed his phone from its position and went to his I*******m page. He hit live and immediately put on a saddened expression. He sniffed and wiped his nose with his hand. He'd forgotten about the tissues. Well, it was now or never.

"Hi guys, it's your rainbow pooping slash heartbroken slash now single slash favorite person in the world." He broke his voice down in short rasps and tried to make it hoarse so it'll seem as if he's been crying for long. He nearly ruined his facade with a smile at the sad emojis and hearts as they floated up his screen. This was what he existed for.

A comment caught his attention.

"I'm trying to get over it but it still hurts so much." The comments next were sympathetic and encouraging. It looked like he'd probably not need the stupid pig worker anyways.

A comment destroyed his momentum and his viewers' camaraderie.

annihilatorAK47 × the tears are fake everyone. Probably sprayed his special hair spray in his eyes to make them look so shiny and red. He's trying to get you all to empathise and you shouldn't be so easily fooled. #chelseaisafaker #faketears #fakemiddlenameischelsea

He couldn't help but feel appalled.

"You shouldn't judge people based on how shiny their eyes are with their tears. These tears are realer than anything real in your life annihilatorAK47. I'm crying from the pain and hurt in my heart."

annihilatorAK47 ×you're so pathetic trying to garner the affection and pity of the sorry fans you still have left. All you've been doing is pointing yourself as a victim when there's someone else who's been victimised by you. You haven't even mentioned the poor dude and here you are proving even more how selfish you really are. #chelseafakerandselfish

bibeesopretty ×yeah. I totally agree with annihilatorAK47 on this one. I couldn't watch the live event but I recorded it on tape and I know I keep seeing hurt in the waiter's eyes every time I watch it.

xixwe × what you said to annihilatorAK47 isn't right Chelsea. You shouldn't be so rude.

sissyboy × I'm so disappointed in you Chelsea. We fellow gay men are not so heartless! You don't belong in the sisterhood.

carterjustin × you guys should leave him alone. He's going through a tough time.

brendalaw × Chelsea acted so immaturely at the event that night pushing the waiter away like that. (Ten furious emojis.)

jojojock × but did you see the waiter's face. The guy looks like the scary looking dude in 'Machete.' Honestly, I wouldn't blame Chelsea for reacting like that. The guy looks like a monster character from a horror movie

honestlyimbinary × I don't see a live video of them kissing and making up. I want a video of that PRONTO!

leilani × shut up jojojock×

meeeeee2U × I love you CHELSEA!!!×

"I'm trying to walk on a new path of self worth improvement and you guys aren't helping here. "

annihilatorAK47 × walking on a path of self worth improvement are you Chelsea? Then maybe you shouldn't trample on the the worthiness of others? Stop being a whiny bitch and own up to your mistakes.

reginald × the waiter didn't deserve what he got because he didn't reach the bar of Chelsea's taste. I'm beginning to think Chelsea really is a selfish person.

"I'm not."

lordwolfbang × who would blame him? He's a spoilt brat from a wealthy family. They are all that way.

"No we aren't."

sissyboy × so why haven't you done an apology yet?

"What makes you all think that I haven't?"

Have yous and more hearts flooded his screen next. He suddenly smiled.

"I'll have you all know that I have reached out to the waiter, his name is Arc by the way and we've been communicating. I might even call us." He paused as question marks and emojis kept coming. "Friends."



×You're the best Chelsea×

Some special persons were sceptical of course.

annihilatorAK47 × and you haven't posted a picture of the two of you together. You always document your achievements Chelsea. It's obvious you're lying.

"I'll do more than take a photo. We're also planning on doing a live session next week which I was gonna tell all of you but some judgemental bitches just wouldn't let me." Hearts and more hearts.

annihilatorAK47 ×take a photo and do the live session and I'll call myself the world's most pathetic loser.

"I don't do it and I'll admit to being a selfish high standard spoilt brat."


×this is getting better and better×

annihilatorAK47 ×this will definitely blow up in your face Chelsea. You better watch your back cause it'll bite you.

"You better watch your phone cause it's going to blow up in your face soon, hater." He put on a cheery smile. "So I'll see you all soon. Byeee." He blew them kisses and ended the live. He wanted to cut up strawberries and blend them into a smoothie. He dropped the phone on the counter and stretched his arms. He dumped the lime juice into the sink with the glass and sat on the stool by the island table.

The realisation of what he'd done was a slow replay that made him gulp. He groaned. This was why he always made a mess of everything, he was too impulsive. Even he knew that particular trait in him. Well, he'd been given a challenge and he didn't know how to back down from challenges. He'd take that photo and do the live session.

He'd get Arc if it was the last thing he did.

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