
Chapter 3

The days went on, and there were no more sightings of mystery man.  However, I did sort of change up my routine a bit.  For the next week I went to Joe’s later, the gym later.  By later, I mean at night. I purposely went incognito.  He made me feel so good, just by being in his presence.  That scared me a bit.  I have literally had one boyfriend, and look how that turned out.  I have built a wall around myself, and I did not know how to tear it down.  

By the following Monday  I went back to my normal routine.  The gym was what I missed the most.  Getting in my early workouts really make for a great day.  Maybe it was all in my head, but I really did feel like the day was much better with an early morning workout.  

Emily’s showcase has literally consumed her.  I hadn’t really spoken to her outside our text since our lunch.   Our daily texts consist of funny memes.  I decided to call  her and left her a long detailed message about how boring my life has been.  And I couldn't wait for Thursday's nail appointment.  I work in the office on Thursday but I am out by 3.  I took Friday off too, so I could make sure I was able to help Emily if she needed me to.  

When I got to Joe’s Tuesday  morning, I was in the best mood.  My favorite employee was Marcello and he is working.  He is so kind and picks up on any mood I’m in.  He always gives me an extra shot of espresso free of charge.  Marcello is Joe’s longest employee, and Joe told him to take care of me when I come in.  I am a solid customer and they appreciate me.  And I do them.  

“Where have you been doll?” Marcello says as I approach the counter.  “I had to switch up my routine, I came in the afternoons for the past week.  You were already gone.  Susie took care of me though.  How's business been?”  I love talking with him.  He gives me Grandpa vibes.    “Busy, per the usual.  Are you drinking your double shot today?” He asks. 

“Yes, please.”  

“You got it, I'll bring it over to you!”  he winks. 

 “Actually Marcello, I am going to take it to go.  I have to get to the office early today.” 

After work I stopped at Joe’s to grab an afternoon coffee.  I stayed and chatted a bit, and I decided to walk home around 5pm.   I was about to walk into the apartment building to grab the mail, and I noticed him.  My mystery man, he must just be getting in from work.  He looked like he was working.  I think. I don’t even know what he does. I am just assuming, which I shouldn’t do.  God,   he looks good.  He is wearing a long black dress coat, gray pants, with a black dress shirt tucked in..  “Get it together girl!” She hisses, my sub brat.  I walked right in and right past the mail.  Straight to the stairs and booked it. 

I had no idea why I was doing this.  Being shy, acting like he didn’t just see me act all awkward.  My door was so close and yet so far away.  I didn’t look back to see if he was behind me, I actually picked my phone up and pretended I was on it.  “Please dont ring, please dont ring.” I'm thinking

Finally, I am in my apartment.  Safe behind the door.  I texted Emily

ME: OH MY FUCKING GOD.  What is wrong with me? I have completely lost my mind. Are you at Owen’s?  

I threw my phone, I was so embarrassed.  I cannot believe I act like this.  

Emily called me the next morning.  She told me she was sorry she had to cancel the nail appointment with me, or I could keep it, but she couldn't make it.  She just has way too much going on, she won't be able to get away.  I told her about the mystery guy, and my stalker antics.  I am so pathetic.  She assured me we would get some drinks after the show and catch up. 

I went to Joe’s and sat so my back was towards the counter.  I did not want to chance running into him today.  I could not bear another embarrassment.  I clearly cannot be around him.  

The next couple of days were uneventful. I felt like I was a robot.  Woke up, worked out,  walked to Joe’s, went to work,  ordered Take Out, worked some more and went to bed. I did get my nails done on Thursday and that felt fantastic.  I haven't treated myself to my nails in months.   

Finally it was friday.  

Emily’s show started at 6pm,  I told her I would get there a little early to help with moral support. I walked into the studio and I couldn't help but notice all the pictures of me.  I was her model when the one that was hired got sick.  I knew she took a lot of pictures, but I was not expecting this.  She makes me look flawless.  Breathtaking almost.  I have never seen myself through her lens since before I broke up with Trevor.  I am almost unrecognizable.  

 “These are fantastic!” I said out loud.  

“Aren't they?” She says and hugs me.  “You really are so beautiful Soph, and you are so comfortable with the camera.  You are so photogenic  .  These came out perfect!”

 “It's all you!” I hugged her, wish her luck. 

“Don’t forget, I am introducing you to Elliot tonight.”  She winked and I was away.

There is champagne on the trays, and appetizers lined up. The catering staff is locked and loaded.  I grabbed a glass of champagne, and made my way around.  Her work is so beautiful.  Something about her photos just captivates the viewer.  Brings them right into that moment.  

My dad and Papa came in a little early.  They wanted to miss the crowd.  My papa has always been a fan of Emily’s work, and he couldn’t miss it.  She noticed them and ran right over hugging both of them, walking them through the studio.  Admiring all the pictures.  There was one of my Papa that I missed.  He is working in his garden and the sun is in the perfect spot.  He has some garden tools in his hands, his special garden hat on, he is wearing his favorite blue overalls and the sun is beating on him, his smile could light up a room.  And it did.  I needed this print, so I bought it.  

I caught up to them and took them over to get some food.  “She is brilliant.” My papa says.  

“Really, amazing work.” My dad adds.  

“I know which one I am purchasing.” I heard my Papa say and watched as he made his purchase.  My dad and I both looked at each other and laughed and watched him.  

  He chose a photo of me.  It’s fall outside, I am sitting  on a park bench at sunset.  I have my legs pulled up on the bench and I am leaning on them,  reading a book.  My hair is gently falling into my face.  It was not supposed to be a work day.  We were just spending the day outside, but Emily brings her camera everytime we go anywhere.  I am not surprised she caught this moment.   Papa walks back and makes sure to tell my dad they need to grab the photo on the way out.  We all smile.  They stayed a while, but left just before the rush of people.  

I made my way through the crowd of people and I saw Emily’s  parents so I went over and said hello.  Her mom is just as fun as Emily.  Her name is Kathy and she is full of spunk.  She is a hair stylist and a pretty amazing one.  Her hair is always so fun and different colors.  Did I mention, I love her.  Emily's dad is a Harley guy.  He has tattoos all over his arms.  He is the coolest.  They are the nicest, coolest people I know.  

Kathy came over to me before she was taking off and made sure I knew how beautiful these pictures were.  She ended up buying one for her salon she has in her home.  It was one she was actually in but you couldn't see much of her face. The picture was on me in a salon chair.  I am blowing a bubble looking into the mirror, while Kathy  was pretending to cut my hair, so she was looking down.    It was a really neat, and perfect photo for her shop.  All in black and white except the bubble it was purple. 

I kept admiring her work.  I could not believe how good they came out.  There were all different ones.  Really cool shots of the Boston Skyline.  Cool photos of the moon over the Charles river from Memorial drive.  And a good amount of me.  

I kept walking through the crowd, looking at the pictures and I noticed this other photo of me.  It’s mostly black and white and a yellow flower.  I loved this photo.  I wasn't looking at the camera.  If you didn't know it was me, you would never.  It was beautiful, I was beautiful.. “Wow.”  I was speechless.  Every picture she had taken of that day was in the showcase. We had so much fun that day.  It was so carefree.  It made it feel like we were not even working.  

I was so proud of her.  All her hard work was paying off.  Let me tell you, it was hard work.  I can see it all unfolding here in this showcase.  All the time away from me.  It was here in these pictures and I was so proud of her.  

“She is so good.” I say out loud.  She has about 25, maybe 30 pieces.  Each one of them is being admired by people.  I can't help but smile.  I am so proud of her.  I find myself  staring at all the people who came here to support her.

And then I see him.  Captivated by one of my photos.  You can't see my face, but I know it's me.  I’m laying in a field.  The sun is setting behind me.  My hands on each side as if I'm holding myself up.  My head is tilted back as if it's looking at the sunset upside down. And him, just staring at the picture.  Admiring it, captivated.    “What are the fucking chances?” my subconscious screams.  

“Get it together you badass sultry vixen” My inner goddess is screaming.  I am a thousand shades of red, I can feel it.  “What are the chances?” my two inner voices are now having a conversation without me.  At this point I am going to need nicknames for them.  

A waiter was walking by with a tray of champagne.  I took a glass, chugged it before he could walk away and grab another glass.  Handing him my empty one.  I can't believe he is here, what are the chances?  I just casually walk through the display of pictures.  Catching Emily out of the corner of my eye.  I send a gentle smile her way.  And a thumbs up.  I am so proud of her.  I see her lips move but I cannot make out what she is saying.  Looks like ‘thank me”, but I throw up my hands confused.  We both smile.  

I managed to make my way through the crowd of people, casually sipping on my third glass of Champagne.  I haven't seen him in 20 minutes.  I have been working really hard to stand clear of the mystery man.  My mystery man.  “Are you kidding me with that bullshit?” My subconscious nudges at my shoulder.  I laughed to myself and made my way to the ladies room. 

Thank god no one was in there.  I needed a few minutes of silence to breathe.  I let out a breath, a long winded breath.  I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that my mystery man was here.  Why? “Go and get him,” My goddess screams.  “Don't do it!” I rolled my eyes And then, wIthout hesitation I decided to make my way through the crowd and find my mystery man.  

There he was admiring another one of Emily’s photos of me.  I must have had  liquid courage or maybe I really am a badass, I feel like a badass cause I made my way over to him.  I stood next to him admiring this picture. She had a way of making her model speak through these pictures.  

“She is really good!” I say and he turns and our eyes meet.  His eyes are dreamy and most definitely blue.  Why? Why is he here?   It was as if we were the only ones in the room.  The electricity I was feeling through my body, made my cheeks burn.  Again, I don't usually turn red, my olive complexion doesn't really allow that to happen.  But, I could feel it happening, now. 

 “I need to get some air.” I turned and headed for the door.  “You are such a baby!” My subconscious is laughing. I agree as I reach the pavement.  

My feet touch the ground.  A cool breeze hits my face.  It's a beautiful night out.  For January its pretty warm.  Still cold enough to see your breath.  But not dreadfully cold.  

“Are you ok?” I hear and I turn around and there he is.  

 “Yup, I am good.  I haven't eaten much, and I had 3 glasses of champagne!  And you, keep showing up.” I roll my eyes. “Who are you anyways?” He started laughing.  

“My name is Elliot!” He whispers and puts his hand on my shoulder.  “Let's go get you something to eat.” He grabs my hand and walks me over to the Pizza stand across the street.  

We are walking and suddenly I’m taken aback. “Wait, could this be Elliot, that Emily wants to introduce me to?”  I thought to myself, and I almost lost my balance, but I regained my composure .  While I wait for Elliot to order, Bob catches my eye and asks how Emily was doing.  “Oh Bob, she is so good.  She is going to be a huge success.  Huge Turnout.  I'm so proud of her.  “I sound tipsy.  

“Tell her I said goodluck!” Bob says as he hands me a slice of pepperoni.  

I walked over and took  a seat on the bench nearby.  He follows.  “So, you know the pizza guy?” He asks, jealous almost. 

“My best friend and her boyfriend own the studio we are at, so I come by a lot.”  I take a huge bite of my pizza and it is delicious.  I’m not really hungry.  I cannot believe what is happening.  I try to compose myself, and force the pizza down.  Making sure to take small bites.  

“Your best friend is the photographer of those photos? She does great work!” He was surprised to hear me say that.  But he is laughing. 

“Yeah she is really great.  I wasn't supposed to be in all those pictures.  Her model got sick at the last minute, and I was a stand in.  But they came out great.  I am proud of her!” 

I took my final bite of pizza and chugged some water.  He is beautiful, did I mention that.  He is looking at me, and I am watching him.  He keeps looking and then says “you have a crumb right here” and gently wipes my cheek.  I closed my eyes and felt a small bit of electric current go through my body.  

“Well, I guess I should be getting back.  Thanks for the pizza.” I stood up and started walking back to the studio. 

 “I’ll come too!” He grabs my hand.  “What are you doing?” I rip my hand from his. 

 “I am coming back to show support for my best friend's girl.” 

“It's him, this is the guy that Emily was talking to you about!”my inner voice is saying  “Oh this is going to be fun!” the other one says and I roll my eyes.  

  I  am starting to blush, and I don't even know how this is possible, here we are again.  I am turning red. “Get a hold of yourself, Soph” The inner  me says. We walked back in, and most of the people were leaving. 

 “They all sold!!” Emily rushed over and grabbed my arm. “They are freaking sold!  Can you believe it?  We have to celebrate!”  She hugged me “I see you met Elliot, Owen’s friend from high school?” My jaw dropped.  I also see Owen grinning from ear to ear.  I turned and ran straight to the bathroom.

“Holy shit! How, why? Is this possible?  Am I dreaming?” My subconscious is screaming now.  “What are the freaking chances Soph!” Emily barges through the door. “What is up with you?”  

“He’s the mystery man, Elliot is my mystery man, and did you know?”  I am breathless.

“You have to breathe.  Come on Soph.  Take a deep breath in through your nose.”  She is showing me what I should do, but I can’t move.  Finally I got a hold of myself.  

“I did not know at first.  But he came over with take out on Wednesday night and he was talking to Owen about a girl he kept running into at the apartment building he lives at.  I never thought it was the same apartment, and we never talked about it.  . When I mentioned I wanted to set him up with my best friend , he wanted to see a picture.  So I showed him.  That's when we both figured out what was going on.   I was going to explain all that after the show.  But, here we are. Are you mad?” She hugs me. 

“No, I’m not mad.  I just don’t understand what fucking happens to me when I am around him, and then he’s the guy you wanted to set me up with.  It’s kind of surreal.  I’ve been so shut off to these feelings, I feel like I am learning how to drive all over again.”

“I will not allow you to run from this.  You deserve to be happy.  Just have fun, please.” 

My face was red, and I still couldn't understand how it was happening.  But, it was.  I touched up my face a bit, took a few deep breaths, checked my teeth to make sure no pizza was lingering around.  “Let's go get 'em!” She hissed

Elliot was waiting for me outside of the bathroom.  “Of course you are here!”  I am trying to hide my smile. 

 “Can we try this again?” he says with a shy smile.  Emily walks away to find Owen.

I look up at his face. He has dimples.  Only on one side, but there are two of them. I didn't notice that before.  His eyes are blue like the sky and his hair is like a dark sandy blonde but more brown.  It’s not slicked back like before, so I can see the colors more.  He is freaking gorgeous.  

“I’d like that!” I smile, but I don't let him see it.  I’m shy, and I’m not normally this shy.  

“Hi, I'm Sophia, Most call me Sophie.” I let out a breath. “Go get him, queen!” My inner vixen shouts.

 “Hi, I’m Elliot.” We shake hands and both laugh,  “ I just moved back from San Diego.” He pulls me in for a hug.  It feels casual, he is being respectful.  “It’s nice to meet you!”  We say simultaneously and laugh.  

I wanted to keep this conversation going and avoid an awkward silence there might be. “Why did you move back?” I smile.

“ To be closer to family, my sister is having a baby, and I don’t want to miss out.” 

“Wow, so you’re a family guy?” I am a little shocked.  Tyler did not have a big family, he is an only child.  He never wanted to be around them, or mine for that matter.  

 “I always knew I would settle down back home, that's why I went to school on the west coast.   I wanted to travel a little and explore different things, but I knew I would be back here.  And, i can’t miss the birth of my first niece or nephew.”  Well, there I go falling in love.  

I told Emily I would Stay and help her clean.  It was a must we go out for a celebratory  drink.   Elliot lingered around talking with Owen, helping him pick up some stuff.  All of Emily’s  photographs were purchased.  It was a very successful night for her.  I am not surprised.  Sheis truly the most talented.  She has so much creativity and her eye for a perfect photo is amazing.  

The  weather wasn't too bad, chilly but not unbearable for a January.  So  we decided we would go into the North End.  We had the Uber driver take us to Caffe Vittoria.  They have amazing Espresso Martinis,  and the Cannoli’s from Mike’s Pastry were to die for, and they are a 30 second walk from each other.  It was a win, win.  

 Emily and I loved coming here during college.  We would make it a point to come here once a month after college, and well life happens and our trips back became less and less.  We did, however, come in last summer during the Fisherman's Feast.  That was a fun time.  

I locked eyes with Elliot as I took the last sip of my martini.  “He is so gorgeous!” Yes, once again the vixen inside speaks.  “You Better not even think about having him over tonight?” My brain, just going away having a conversation without me.  I can't stop staring at him.  He has the most genuine look about him.  I don’t really have many other men to compare him to.  I feel like I am being way too noticeable in my attraction to him. “Play it cool, girlfriend.” My subconscious chimes in yet again.  But, I am thankful for her now.  

I decided I would gush to Emily about how amazing I thought she did tonight.  Her smile was ear to ear, and Owen is kissing her telling her about how he couldn't get over the crowd that came in tonight.  “Babe all your pieces sold.  And I had a few requests for some that sold. Such an amazing night.” He brings her close to him and kisses her so softly.  “Oh I want this, now with him.”  My subconscious is at it again.  I am suddenly hot.  So I excuse myself to go to the bathroom.  

When I get back to the table Elliot is talking to them both about this really amazing deal his team just went through with.  Some multi billion dollar building in the South End.  I guess some apartments and retail space.  Elliot looks really excited talking about it, and I am excited watching.  Then my mind goes elsewhere.  I just keep seeing him kissing me, and wrapping me in his arms.  I am so pathetic.  “You really need to get out more.” My inner voice chimes in once again.  

 “Everything ok?” Emily asks. I am sure she can see my eyes and my head shakes from the conversation I am not a part of.  “Let’s go, they can meet us at Mike’s” She says and tells Owen to take care of the bill and meet us there.  

 Elliot catches my eyes as I stand up and he smiles and winks at me.   I smile of course and want to hide under my covers at the same time, but then I remember I am standing in the middle of a cafe. “Lord, help us!” My subconscious is at it again.  But, she isn't wrong.  I need some assistance. 

As soon as we make it outside I look at Emily and I am so embarrassed.  “I don’t know if I should admit this, but I have never felt anything like I feel like I do when I am  around him.”  I let out a long breath and I shake my head.  

“Soph, I really don’t know what to say.  It just feels really good to see that look in your eyes again.  Something alive.  I can't, I can't explain it.”  She grabs my arm and wraps her arm around it and we walk to Mike’s.

The lines for Mike’s are literally outside and down the street a little.  It's always like this though.  People come from all over to try Mike’s.  I used to love coming here. But tonight, I can’t get out of my thoughts.  Trevor is always lurking there, in the back of my mind.  Making me lose confidence in myself.  And then around the corner they come.  Owen and Elliot and immediately I am consumed.  

“What's up with you Soph?” Emily snuggles up next to me.  It got a little chilly.  We can see our breath in the air.  

“I honestly just don’t know what happens to me when I am around him.  I am curious about everything he does.  He is nothing like Tyler. But, I am scared of that, Em.  I really am scared.  I am so fucking pathetic.” I lay my head on her shoulder. 

“Sophia, I love you.  But, you are really being pathetic.  When did you become so annoying? Just have fun, please? Let your hair down. Tyler is your past, Elliot could be your future.  I want happiness for you.” She pulls me forward.  

It was such a beautiful night, even though it got chilly.  So we hung out a bit.  Enjoyed our Cannoli’s and stopped by St. Leonards Church.  It’s a beautiful place. Emily and I always make it a point to take a picture and send it to my dad. 

“Hey Owen, will you do the honors?” Emily hands him her phone.  

We are spinning together arm and arm laughing.  “What are they up to?” Elliot asks Owen, confused.  

“This is what they do, buddy.  They spin and I take pictures.” He laughs.  “Soph’s dad was Baptized in this church.”  I am laughing and spinning with Emily. I am enjoying listening to Owen talk to Elliot. “So everytime we come here, which used to be a lot.  They had me take a picture of them and they would  send  it to Mr.Larossi.”  We both fell to the ground.  We are laughing.  I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time. 

 “I fucking miss you so much.  I miss seeing this smile.” Emily wraps me in her arms.  It's like the good old days.  I could stay in this moment forever.  And, we do.  Well for a moment.  

“Isn’t she lovely, Isn’t she wonderful!” Emily starts singing. 

She knows it's my favorite song.  My dad used to sing it to me trying to get me to sleep ever since I was a baby. 

 “Isn’t she precious?  Less than one minute old.” I sing back.  

“I never thought, through love we’d be  making one as lovely as she, 

but isn’t she lovely, made from love.” We sang together, and laughed.  Hugging, like the good old days.  

“Alright ladies, I need to start walking. I am getting cold,” Owen cries out.  We get up and we are walking hand in hand down the street.  I am laughing. It's a great time.  

 All of a sudden we are walking past the last restaurant Tyler ever took me to.  It was the weekend before I caught him, and  I have this rush of sadness.  I am literally brought back to the worst day of my life in an instant.  I have tried so hard to get out of this.  I have done therapy, self help books, and morning meditation.  They all seemed to help me, but here I was about to burst into tears.  Emily must have felt it or saw me change, because I feel her hand and she whispers “I got you!” I put my head on her shoulder and we walked like this for a while. 

 “You are so amazing Soph, I don't tell you that often, and lately I have been working so much.  But you are amazing, and you deserve to feel happiness.  All of it.  You’ll see!” She squeezes my hand.  

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