
Chapter Thirty Five

Mrs Johnson stood up from the couch the moment Alice entered

“Alice!” She called and ran to her

Alice grinned at her

“Mom!” She called and hu-gged her tightly

‘What is wrong with her?’ Mrs Johnson thought weirdly

“Were you worried?” Alice asked

“Of course,,where did you spend the night?” Mrs Johnson asked

“My boyfriend’s house” Alice grinned again and left the living room leaving her mom speechless

“Boy,,,boyfriend?” Mrs Johnson muttered,,

“She have a boyfriend?” She asked no one in pa-rticular


Alice got to her room and fell on the be-d,she couldn’t stop smiling as she remembered her moment with Kingston

‘Can’t believe he came to college because of me’ Alice thought and started laughing out like a crazy person

She grabbe-d the pillow and hu-gged it

‘I even told him tofu-ck off because I hate his face’

She laughed again,,kicking her legs in the air as she lay down on the be-d

“Gosh,,I can’t believe this. I am so crazy,,sofu-cking crazy,,me,,v!rg!n??” She laughed out again

She sudden
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