
Chapter Thirty Four



Kingston entered the cl@$$ and his first gaze landed on Alice and Ryder chatting,he looked away and went to sit somewhere else

*I feel like burning that guy* Botis said referring to Ryder

*Don’t do anything,,* Kingston warned and Botis scoffed before going quiet

Alice looked up and their eyes met but she immediately looked away and continued her chit chat with Ryder

“Hey Hottie” Yuna said se-ductively,sitting next to him

Kingston didn’t even bother to look up,he brought his phone but Yuna grabbe-d it from him so he had no choice than to face her. She smiled at him

“You look so handsome,,mind getting close?” Yuna asked

Kingston’s expression was cold,he took his phone from her and stood up from the seat,he sat down beside Alice and she looked at him

“Are you going to chase me away?” Kingston asked and faced her,they both stared at each other,nobo-dy is ready to look away.

Honestly,Alice h@rdly sle-pt throughout the night,she couldn’t stop thinking about every
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