
Book 2 Chapter 68

The guards closed the gates behind the group turning to examine their disheveled state. They were covered in sweat, hair blown  about dirt clinging to their bodies.

"What in the gods names happened to you lot?" One man mumbled seeing eyeing the group up and down, all of who looked worse for wear. But as his eyes came across the princess his demeanor quickly shifted. Straightening his body so rigid breeze would probably have him teetering. He gave her an awkward smile. "My apologies your highness. I meant no disrespect."

"It's fine." She waved her hand dismissively trying her best to catch her breath after being forced to run across the city.

"Aren't you a little early though? I thought he was supposed to be paraded through the city at a slow walk before arriving for his execution."

"T-There was complications." One of the guards declared glancing back and forth between his captain and Christopher. In a military manner the captain did everything correct by their laws. First he tried to de escalate the situation, when that failed he reminded the soldier the cost of his actions, and finally he dealt with the dissident before he could cause more harm. That being said, it didn't settle any easier in the minds of other soldiers. Seeing someone they knew get killed by their own captain wouldn't sit right with anyone. 

While most men's attention would've been drawn to either of the crimson eyed beauties, one of the palace guards was especially eyeing the escort captain.

"Is that blood, And isn't there suppose to be another in your group?"

"That was the complication." The captain cut in putting an end to the conversation. "Princess may I ask that you be the one to inform your father of the prince's fate? Perhaps he will receive the news better if it were coming from you?"

"Though I doubt will do much to assuage his suffering in the end. I will be the one to inform him."

The captain lowered his head into a deep bow placing his hand over his heart. "You have my sincerest gratitude my lady."

"Please go alert my father we've arrived ahead of schedule and there's urgent news we must discuss."

"Yes your highness!" One of the guards gave a slight bow before spinning on his heels and darting into the palace.

While the death of Rael had completely taken her by surprise and was an upsetting situation to be placed in, she couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling currently gripping the pit of her stomach.

"Alayna... Didn't it all seem a little too perfectly timed?"

"Errr... Are you speaking of your brother? Honestly there's no way it wasn't him." She declared without hesitation.

"No not that. Unfortunately what's done is done in regards to Rael. But I mean the crowd."

"Well I wouldn't say screaming and running is all that off, especially after they saw the captain behead one of his own men. Granted his actions were correct, the civilians wouldn't see it that way."

"No not that. I mean the fact they knew it was Rael, and screaming about the soldier dying. The voice of the people responsible weren't anywhere near enough to identify Rael."

"Are you saying that was planned too?"

Nerissa eyed the still smiling Christopher even as the guards continued hitting every now and again venting their frustrations. This was the only conclusion she could draw. But what she didn't understand is the fact he was still here. That would've been the perfect time for either a rescue or just him to escape in the chaos. He probably could've just jumped the rope and took off never to be seen again if he wished.

"What's happening?" Nerissa immediately recognized her father's voice calling out to them. Approaching was her father, Roanna, their entourage of ass kissers and their guards following close behind.

"Princess I understand you take pity on this creature, but you need to uphold the laws and rulings of your father too. He was to be marched through the city for -" Brock began, rolling his eyes at what he found to be an immature disobedience

"He is of our blood whether my father wishes to admit it or not!" Nerissa shot back. "And this has no-"

"Honestly daughter you're testing my patience ever since that boy has been seen in the darkness. You've been nothing but disobedient and obsessive."

"Father this has to-"

"Honestly perhaps you should banish her like you di-" Roanna began.

"Don't you dare speak those words!" Markous roared rounding on Roanna immediately bursting into a rage. "You were allowed to raise Rael in a manner that softened him! I will tolerate much of what you say regarding my daughter, but I will NEVER Banish her l-like I-I did-" Markous trailed off, his anger turning to sadness.

'Though I'm pretty certain my banishment would be Roanna and Brock's wet dream come true, I'm happy my father isn't completely swallowed up by that succubus quite yet. And maybe there's still a little fire left in that old warrior.' Though it was only temporary and fleeting, it was nice to see the warrior spirit still somewhat existed deep in her father.

"Father I truly need to speak with you in private. It's very i-"

"Ha I bet you're just hoping to pressure him into agreeing with you when no other eyes are present." Brock scoffed sneering at Nerissa doing little to hide both his disgust and dislike for her.

"Well I will admit, it would be nice speaking to my father without finding your head lodged up his ass, tongue sticking out and all."

"What!? How dar-" Brock began but was immediately rebuffed.

"How dare a mere noble address a princess in such a manner!? I agree! Now keep your tongue in your mouth, and your trap shut or I will personally remove it!" Nerissa spat, her ruby eyes beginning to turn a deeper shade of crimson with each passing moment. 

"Y-You wouldn't!"

 "Father in law of the king or not, you're not the king, you're not royalty. You are in every way beneath me!" Perhaps it was because of Christopher's situation, perhaps she had just finally had enough of the brown nosing king's father in law's bull shit, maybe in part even because of Rael's death, but she had finally had enough of this scum's trash he spewed. 


"Try me cock sucker!"


"WHAT!? Hells he shouldn't even be that offended since he's always sucking your d-"

"ENOUGH!" Markous roared, his eyes wild with rage. "Both of you are pressing my patience right now! I will have no more arguing between all of you! You're family now whether you like it or not!"

Everyone present buckled under the roar of the lion so to speak. Everyone except Nerissa who was openly glaring at her father.

'I would rather call a squargle family.' 

"Father placing these fools to the side there really is-"

"I said enough!" If 

'I've always done what's best for our people, to uphold the principles he and mother instilled in me. And now he looks at me with those eyes? Always takes the side of these leeches and is so easily swayed.'


There was no denying the truth... It hurt... Greatly.  All she was doing was trying to inform her own father of her brother's death. For this very deed she was being ridiculed and insulted by her in laws.


'Fuck it... Fuck it and fuck them.' Was her final thought.' She glanced over to Christopher who was patiently standing to the side battered and bruised smiling away like a fool. Picture a movie scene of someone obliviously walking down the road smiling listening to music as cars crash and blow up in the background.

'How would you feel about becoming queen Nerissa?' The question Christopher posed to her not so long ago played out in her head.... The smile on his face, the way he was looking at her all seem to hammer that memory back into her head, and it was coming through crystal clear. 

'I don't want to be queen... But I don't want our nation destroyed because of one soulless bitch and her father.' Sometimes in battle the hard decisions must be made. Who goes first, who can be saved... Is a limb salvageable or should it be amputated. (Granted that's more a question for a doctor. But fitting comparison.)

In this case. Nerissa was seeing the limb already had gangrene setting in so to speak. Though the limb was present and from a distance may appear fine. It was diseased, decaying and very little chance of saving it. Nerissa herself could see it clear as day though didn't want to admit it. She knew severe change was needed but couldn't bring herself to give the okay for amputation.


Silence took over the group as Nerissa stood clenching her fist. This was the first time in years she felt so much resentment, and so powerless over the situation. The pot was beginning to boil.

"Your majesty...." Alayna stepped forward respectfully lowering her head before lifting her gaze to meet his. "I-..." Alayna froze turning to the princess her eyes filled with sorrow. "I don't think I can do it... I believe it would be best to find a different executioner." Her lip trembling as she fought out each word.

"Ha I knew she was a traitor." Roanna mumbled her eyes transfixed on her fingernails not even bothering to look at the person she was condemning with zero evidence.

"Wha-" Nerissa glared at Roanna her eyes as cold as ice. Alayna was a distant cousin, she was a proven commander, and a close friend. It was taking every bit of restraint she could muster not to lunge at the humanoid leach who found the dirt under her nail to be of greater concern than someone who's proven their loyalty countless times.

"I see.." Markous narrowed his eyes that were locked on the beautiful blonde. "You know what this means correct?"

"What!? Father you can't be serious!?" Nerissa cried out in dismay.

"I understand." Alayna cut in.

"I see ... Alayna Felgrave you are under a-"

"Hey let's not be so hasty now." Christopher cut in, still with a broad grin.

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
That Guy
I’m going to be, sorry I know it’s dragged my work finally has someone sticking around so my hours are beginning to go down. Just life, work, and family hasn’t given me much time after Covid hit =(
goodnovel comment avatar
Jay Pendergrass
please give us more chapters! this is painfully slow progress

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