
Chapter 100

"You know all joking aside Chris, you may have a small problem." Alesia mumbled as she sat on the bed next to Christopher. Both of them were quite wet and one would almost think Albert Einstein's Hair style had suddenly become a trend because both Alesia and Christopher's hair looked very much like his.

"Do you mean the princess?"

Alesia Nodded. Elise also sat in the back of the room wearing a pensive expression. Originally she honestly wouldn't have cared what became of Sarah, whether she became empress, was robbed in an unfamiliar city, or killed, but now after spending some time traveling with her she had grown quite fond of the girl. She was sweet, caring and always had an upbeat attitude, completely different from the many different royals and nobles she had met throughout her lifetime. It was quite the breath of fresh air honestly, especially considering they had been pursued by multiple different groups with different kinds of motivation and intentions. Now? Now she wished for Sarah and the others to stay.

"I wouldn't really say it's an issue." Christopher shrugged. He had been contemplating for some time the thought of telling her and the others like Thomas, and Angela, even Cassandra was unaware of who he really was. When it came to Cassandra he felt a tinge of guilt, it wasn't that he didn't trust her, on the contrary he would happily entrust his life and those of the ones he loved to her if it came down to it, but he just didn't wish to bring her any trouble. Being a Noble of Albrael and a close friend/ lover of Havoc would definitely complicate matters for her if he revealed everything to her before being prepared to go to war with King Robert.

"I suppose it's time to let a few more people in on the secret of Havoc." Christopher smiled lightly. He wasn't really sure how Sarah was going to take it when she hears the truth but he figured she wouldn't react to badly. As it was she already knew he was a member of The Black Guard and was very accepting of it and still placed her trust in him. Although he was honestly a little worried, it was completely different assuming to know, and actually knowing.

Elise was unable to contain the smile on her face.

"AH!" Bang! Everyone's eyes turned towards the door after hearing a brief cry and what sounded like someone hitting the door.

A minute before.

"Can someone tell me what it is I'm currently looking at?" 

At the end of the hallway in front of a large door were two Round dark skinned women's butts sticking up in the air heads to the floor, and a sniggering sound could be heard from where they currently stood.

"I would say something beautiful but I believe I will get hit for it" Garrett replied unconsciously."


"AH!" The two on the floor were alerted to the sound behind them, jumping to their feet hitting their heads on the door in unison.

"W-Who goes there?" They were quickly on their feet swords drawn staring down the group. Their stance and expression showed they were both skilled warriors and were very serious... Despite one holding out her sword while rubbing the knot on her  head.

The group momentarily stunned just stared without answering. In front of them were two dark skinned beauties, long pointed ears, their eye's were black and had long sleek silver hair. Although they had curves in all the right places their physique was actually quite muscular when compared to most women, it was apparent they trained and maintained themselves.


"Umm... Are you Dark Elves?" Garrett was the one to ask skeptically.

"What of it? Never seen a Dark Elf before?"

"Well... Actually no, never..."


"Now that you mention it, it has been a few hundred years since we've seen any humans besides the master."

"Scuse me, scuse me, watch out." Alayna squeezed past the group presenting herself in front of the Dark Elves. "We need to see him, if you could let us through please." She asked politely wearing a warm smile.

"Ah Lady Alayna it's good to see you again... But no not without permission." 


"Come again?" Alayna stared at the pair with her eyebrow raised. "I must have misheard you, because I could swear you just told me no?"

"Indeed we did tell you no."

A vein began to bulge from Alayna's forehead.

Meanwhile in Christopher's room.

"I get the feeling I know what's going on out there."




"I gotta admit I really did." Smiled Christopher as he listened to the argument.


"HAAawwwWWW!" Alayna could be heard from where they sat sucking in air while half crying out. That probably caused more damage to her then a dagger in the gut would. She had indeed wanted to be the one to stay close and guard Christopher since the war ended but he couldn't bring himself to keep her from the duties she would be called back to after the wars end.

"H-Ha-Ha I think I just heard something completely absurd. I-I'm C-calm....I'm calm... I'm...GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!"

"BRING IT ON BLONDIE! MAKE SURE YOU POINT YOUR SWORD IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION, OR DON'T TRIP ON SOMETHING. Come on sister let's show this jealous pastey skank we're not just eye candy!"




"I'm sorry I'm officially lost as to what I'm seeing." Sarah mumbled with a dead pan look. Moments ago she could swear she was about to witness someone get murdered. As she watched the fight unfolding in front of her, she was beginning to feel embarrassed for the trio.

They all charged at each other yelling. You would feel you were about to witness the most epic of showdowns in your life.... Boy were you wrong.  One of the Dark Elves full on bitch slapped Alayna when they got to each other, while the other bit Alayna's arm. Alayna screamed and grabbed the hair of the one to slap her and was pinching the side of her sister.

"I would laugh at this but even I must admit this is the most pitiful cat fight I have ever seen mumbled Garrett as he watched on with his eyes wide. "I'm half waiting for a boob to pop out or something. As if on que Alayna doing the rapid double slap in front of her yanked down the top of a foe! It had officially became a mix of a drunken cat fight meets The Jerry Springer Show.

"Sister I will Avenge you!" The other dark elf grabbed at Alayna's top and ripped it right off. She began cackling like a mad woman and whirling it over her head. "HAHAHAHA"

"You bitch!" Alayna reached out ripping her top clean off in return.

"I may Disagree with some of Havoc's choices, but his choice of women to keep around I must give him credit..." 

Vanessa reached over smacking Garrett outside the head.

"Ok could one of you open the door and put an end to this, before the castle gets demolished or burns down."

"You do realize this is technically your fault right?" Marielle eyed him with dissatisfaction. 

"Hey this is all happening in a moment I'm wounded and recovering if anything I'm a victim."

"You're a victim of your own man whoring." Elise sighed.

"Hey originally it was just Brianna and I, you were the one that came in and talked her into getting involved while I wasn't there."

"I didn't hear you complaining."

"Woe be it to be I, I am but an innocent victim of circumstances, caught up in your scheme."


"Alesia please."

"With pleasure."

"Hey now I'm wounded!"



The fighting outside the door came to an abrupt stop. As Christopher's howl was heard as he was once again being electrocuted

"AAAAH!!" Afterwards a chain of different screams echoed from the room. Although no one was witnessing it, Christopher had grabbed onto Elise while being electrocuted, which passed the shock onto her as well, then Elise sprayed the group with water so everyone present was getting electrocuted Except Marielle.

The Twin dark elves barged through the door Eye's darting through the room looking for some sign of danger. Followed by Alayna, followed by Sarah's group.

"Ah how blessed it is to be me." Chris sighed taking in the sight of the three topless women. Who despite being seen by him before covered themselves with their victims tops instinctively.

"I'm not sure how much more of this day I can take." Sarah sighed seeing Christopher, Alesia, and Elise looking like a mix of Lady Frankenstein, Einstein, and some form of crispy critter.

Originally she had been so desperate for answers but after witnessing Halbert, The epic showdown of the fearsome Trio, and the sight before her, she just couldn't really bring her mind to care momentarily. The other's were completely different.

Vanessa and Garrett only stared utterly dumbfounded. Vanessa looked mouth opening closing, opening closing, with a slight tremble. Garrett's reaction was a little different as his jaw hit the floor and he simply raised his arm pointing at Christopher, words refusing to form. It was quiet until Vanessa was the first one to break the silence.

"I-I had sex with a legend.."


"Do you have some sort of maid fetish!? Alesia smacked her forehead.

"You know I expect answers now right?" Sarah sighed sitting down on the foot of the bed.

"You deserve them, and You shall have them."

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