

This might have simply been the best day of my life. I was in high spirits after supper and Tory mentioned it. After carrying Rie's books, I dropped them at her desk and despite the little voice warning me, I snooped around a bit. Her desk is organized save for a few sticky notes and pens here and there. She has a slightly loopy handwriting that's adorable. I dropped the books on top of her desk when her deskmate came in and pretended to have dropped my pen.

Tory has been nagging me all through night preps to tell her what was making me this happy. I was so glad when the teacher on duty insisted on silence and personal studies until bedtime that way I could avoid her questioning glare.

When the bell rang to go to the dorm area. I picked my diary and pen and rushed out before Tory could escape her conversation with Olive.

Our dormitory area has several buildings which are divided according to school years to avoid incidences of bullying. I was assigned to one of the few dormitories with first and second years which I don't really mind because Rie is in the same dormitory.The dormitory is divided into cubicles which contain three double deckers therefore having six students in one cubicle. I sleep on one of the lower bunk in the first cubicle while Rie sleeps on one of lower bunks in the third cubicle. Suffice to say, I have no reason to wslk to cubicle three but I always find a reason to in order to see her before sleeping.

Today I ran directly to my bed and with my umiform still on, got my pencil and diary out in order to pen down an entry. I am too excited that my thoughts are all mixed up but I must immortalize this day as the biggest step to my self actualization.

Dear Diary,

I know I have not updated you lately but it's partly because I've settling in my new school and also because my life has been boring with nothing noteworthy. I have missed letting you know how my life is going because you always listen and you never talk back, pun intended.

I have very good news for you today. So when I joined school, I met this girl whom I have a very big crush on.Her name is Rie;I like how her name rolls of my tongue.She is the most gorgeous person I've ever met in my life, I know we adore Selena Gomez but I don't think she's a match to my Rie. She loves smilimg, she's so playful and her voice, it's so smooth and beautiful. There I go dreaming again.

Today we had two encounters where she spole directly to me. As you can guess I was a stuttering mess despite how much I promised you that I'd be more confident. I hope she has noticed how I gape like a fish when she talks to me or the stars in my eyes when I look at her.

You see, I'm worried because despite how stalker-ish I've been, I can't quite establish whether she's gay or not. People here are not too keen on sexuality and seem to skirt around the topic and talk about anything but that. In our traditions, sex is a topic that is something of an abomination especially at our age. But no, today's entry was supposed to be really happy so I won't bore you with our traditions and what not.

This is the closest I've been to Rie and her personality is as beautiful as the rest of her. She was really nice to me and even thought I don't talk much because of how tongue tied I was. If only she knew what a blabber mouth I am! She is even more beautiful upclose it was breathtaking. I know I'm gushing but I can't help myself. I think I might be falling in love, for the very first time or, it's just a stupid crush and will end soon.

I know I promised I would study hard and maintain my grades and I promise I'm still on track, wouldn't want to disappoint mommy and daddy. From tomorrow, I promise to fully concentrate in my classes.

Oh my God! She just passed in the hallway on her way to the bathroom, I'm going to pretend to use the washroom just to see her. I'll update you constantly, I promise.

Bye Diary.

I quickly threw my diary under my pillow and rushed to our shared washrooms. She's nowhere in sight and I guess she might not have been headed to there. I guess I'll have to wait and see her tomorrow. I walk back to my cubicle dejected and join a conversation with one of my cube mates as she complains how she was harrased by one of the senior students. I hope that I never find myself in such a position because she looks really sad.

I go about my night routine, a bit sad that I didn't get to see my crush before sleeping but remind myself of our interactions during the day. I get into my bed, feel for my diary under my pillow, say a silent prayer like mom taught me and I go to sleep looking forward to seeing my crush the next day.

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