



I step out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body as I dried herself. The air outside the bathroom was cool, sending a shiver through my skin.

I slipped into my room, the familiar space a welcome respite from the chaos of the last few days. I crawled into my bed, pulling the covers up to my chin as I nestled into the warmth.

My thoughts drift to Tom, the feel of his body against mine, the sound of his voice in my ear.

The sun streamed through the window, the gentle light filtering into my room as I opened my eyes. For a moment, I was disoriented, the memories of the previous night still fresh in my mind. Then, reality sets in: it's time for school.

I rolled out of bed, my muscles sore from the night's exertions. I dressesy quickly, my movements efficient as I navigated the familiar motions of my morning routine.

Outside, the world was waking up, the sounds of the city rising to meet the new day.

I step into the kitchen, my senses flooded with the tant
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