
chapter 4. Unwanted Invitations

Chapter 4 Unwanted Invitations

We regained consciousness, in a small dark room, surrounded by unfamiliar faces. We were on a luxurious yacht, but it was clear that something was off. The group of people surrounding us were dressed in formal attire, but their eyes told a different story - one of secrets and deceit: rogue Vampires and two witches.

A figure emerged from the shadows, a woman with beady green eyes, her hair pulled back in a single braid. "Welcome, Kieran and Raven," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I see you're enjoying the fruits of my labor. You see, this yacht is mine, and you two are my...guests." the witch moves closer.

We exchanged a look of confused and worried glances. "What do you want?" Kie asked, trying to sit up, but sharp pains shot throughout his body, forcing him back down.

Someone knew who and what he was. They had injected him with high doses of verbena.

The woman chuckled, she smelt of rotting flesh. "You'll find out soon enough. But for now, let's just're part of a much larger game. And the stakes are higher than you can imagine." she stares at me as if she was trying to figure something out.

We were left wondering about our fate as the woman disappeared into the darkness. We had no idea how long we had been here, or even where 'here' was.

I cast some spells to protect us from any immediate danger. "There, that should keep them away from us for a while. How long will the verbena last in your system?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure, but if I can feed, it will help me to flush it out of my body faster," he explained. Without hesitation, I offered my arm to him. "Have you ever done this before?" he asked me.

"No, I haven't, I'm a Blood virgin" I admitted with a half smile. "But we need to get out of here. I have a very bad feeling about this. We are in more danger than you think. Hurry! while I keep them at a distance, drink..." I offer him my arm again.

The taste buds on his tongue tingled with delight, he'd fed billions of times, and never had he ever tasted blood so delicious as hers, he feeds savoring her blood, his mouth watered with delight, the rich, velvety liquid igniting a frenzy of pleasure within him. The taste is exquisite, he closes his eyes, allowing himself to fully immerse in it's intoxicating taste.

"Kie!!" I pushed him away. As he comes to his senses, he apologizes for taking too much. He licks my wound to heal it. His strength almost fully restored he struggled with the ropes. "They are spelled with demonic magic I'm trying to unravel the spell give me a minute."

"We must find a way out of here. She's a low-level witch but the vamps are strong" I shared with him. "This whole Yacht is under her spells, it's almost as if she is both demon and witch", I wonder..

"A hybrid maybe?" Kie asked, "Like some sort of mating between a succubus and a human witch for favors? Nothing is impossible nowadays." he said. 

"Sam had to have seen the riverboat explode. He'll be searching, He is an x-navy seal, It won't take him long to find us.

( In Sam's lifetime he had joined many wars, as a high-ranking officer, he also flew military Helicopters, all while pretending to be Human, before they all revealed themselves, and now they live among us openly).

We both froze when we heard someone clear his throat. A dark figure stepped forward out of thin air, revealing a chiseled face and a regal presence. "I am King Shade Marcus, the ruler of the Vampire Kingdom," he announced, his voice commanding attention. "And you, Raven, are a fascinating creature," he says with a devious smile.

My eyes narrowed. "What do you want with us?"

Shade's gaze lingered on Raven, a hint of softness in his eyes. "I've brought you here for a reason, Raven. , I've been watching you from afar, and I must admit, I find your...spirit intriguing."

Kie's eyes widened with the realization. "So you're the one who's been following her!" he remembered a conversation with Lyra about her boss being followed home from work, that she thought she had a stalker. I was furious it was HIM!! but I keep quiet, still trying to unravel the spell on the ropes I almost have it.

Shade nodded. "Guilty as charged. But my intentions are not what you think, Kie. I mean no harm to Raven. In fact, I find her...very appealing."

I was furious, I couldn't stand it anymore. "This is how you treat people you find interesting? You're the last person I'd ever be interested in!" I spat as my spell finally worked

Shade's expression turned cold, and his eyes flashed with a narcissistic grin as he spoke. "You're mistaken, Raven. I may be a vile person, but I'm also a king, and I cannot be denied. You see, I have a fascination with witches, and you, Raven, are the most intriguing one I've ever laid eyes on."

Kie struggled against the ropes around his wrists and ankles, his eyes blazed with protectiveness. "You'll have to go through me first, Shade." Shade's gaze never left my face. "Ah, but Kie, you can't protect her from me.

But don't worry, I won't harm her...yet. You see, I have a little game in mind, one that will test your love for each other, and Raven's...appeal to me."

And with that, Shade vanished into the darkness, leaving us to wonder what twisted game the king of vampires had in store for us...

"He is hated even among his own people. I'm sorry you have become his latest idea of fun, not all Vampires are like him, in fact, I'm only half-vampire. My Mother was a Mayan/vampire hybrid, he killed her and almost killed my dad, that's how Shade became King of this city. I was too young to take the throne here, My Father now has his own kingdom many followed him there.

My face softened, and my eyes filled with a newfound understanding. "Kie, I know in the past witches and Vampires were mortal enemies. But that was the past. It's 2243, A lot has changed over the years. We have brought all races of beings to equality with respect. This one race is superior to another, is old, and should have been outlawed decades ago." I say as I free myself from the ropes and begin working on his.

"I care deeply for you, it's not about your species, But this ass-hole needs to be taken down." Kie's face lit up with relief, his eyes shining with adoration.. "Raven, I care deeply for you too, and You are right, I need to take the kingdom back and make changes, but for now, I want you somewhere safe." Kie's eyes locked onto mine, a mixture of determination and concern in his gaze. "Raven, we need to get out of here. Now."

I nodded in agreement, my eyes scanning the room for any possible escape routes. "I agree, but how? This place is protected by magic that I don't understand, and its mixed with satanic powers, Shade has an army of vampires at his disposal." I said very concerned.

"Yes, but not here, and not all of them will follow him when they see who they are going up against, I'm sure he didn't tell them this tidbit of Information." He said.

"My Father is a well-respected and powerful. He's a Royal Mayan Vampire King of his own kingdom." Kie says with pride.

"Shade killed my mother, the only woman he ever loved." Kie's face set in a fierce expression. "So leave that to me. I know these vampires, Raven. I can take Shade down."

Kie's gaze turned cold, his eyes flashing with a hint of red. "I'll handle Shade. You just focus on getting out of here alive." as the ropes fell from his wrist.

Just then, Shade reappeared, a sly smile spreading across his face. "Ah, Kie, always the hero. But this time, you're in over your head. You see, I've been waiting for you, Raven. And now, you're mine." his laugh echoed in the room.

Kie snarled, his fangs bared. "You'll have to go through me first, Shade."

(Our entire family had kept it a secret that we are also part Mayan/Vampire, a Vampire hybrid. Ten times stronger than any mere vampire. Because His Father was King, his mother hid her Mayan side and pretended to be a plain Vampire. The whole kingdom knew that the De'Lacroix's were more powerful than them all, they just didn't know why. But it didn't stop some fools from trying their luck.)

Shade chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, I'm shaking in my boots, Kie. But let's make this interesting. A little game, if you will, between the three of us. If you win, I'll let Raven go free. But if you lose...well, let's just say she'll be mine forever."

And with that, the game began, the two vampires locked in a deadly dance, each one determined to emerge victorious...

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