
chapter 3 Midnight Romance

Chapter 3 Midnight Romance

After enjoying a delicious meal and a few glasses of wine, we decided to embark on a midnight riverboat cruise. As a billionaire in this city, he was well-known and loved by all, never having to wait in line for anything. We were the first to board the three-story riverboat "The Delta Queen." We headed straight to the bar on the top floor. I smiled at him and remarked, "Well sir, do you come here often? Everyone seems to know you here." little did I know that she made him feel important, he took my hand in his and smiled, "You'll get used to it."


Lyra calls Sam to bring her to Brent's apt. She wanted to apologize for her behavior last night, but she's not really sorry. She just wants to know where she stands with him now.

Sam says ok, but he has to hurry back to the dock to pick up Kie

"It's ok I can get the other limo to come get me at the dock, it's just that you know where Brent lives right? Kie said you dropped him off last night?"

"Yeah, he lives in the bad part of the city, You sure you wanna go there? plus you know it's forbidden."

"Wait for me ok?" as they drive up to his apartment.

He answers the door with a grin. "Miss Lyra, look at you all cleaned up and without a teddy bear!" he wickedly smiles at her.

She smiles her fangs barely visible in the dark.

"To what do I owe this honor, my lady?" Brent asked.

"I just wanted to make sure we were ok. I kinda said some things that were.... well..." She's lost for words. Then he speaks up.. "That was true?" he grins wider.

She smiles. "Ok, you and I both know it. But we're ok right?"

"Oh, we are more than OK!" he says with a blush " I couldn't even rub off what you did to me," he admits as Sam blows the horn. "Ok, I gotta go, I kinda borrowed the limo without asking.. see you tomorrow night." but as she was about to leave he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him, for a very hot, passionate kiss. "Now I have something to dream about tonight." he smiles as she walks away. Now she knows he feels the same way about her.


"Excuse me for a moment," Kie says while taking out his phone and dialing Sam. "Stay at the dock. It'll be about two hours. Oh and check in on Lyra, please," he instructed. But before he could hang up, she grabbed the phone. "So, when I tell you not to do something, you do it?" she joked with him. "Nah, it's okay. I think it's cool, but don't keep her out too late, we both have to work tomorrow." He tried to understand why she was with Sam but felt like she was up to something. "Details, I want details. We'll talk later, Love ya. Bye." He just stared at his phone and put it back in his pocket. Shaking his head with a smile,

"Everything ok? I asked.

"Yes, just my unruly sister and her shenanigans." he smiled and I agreed "She is a handful, but we love her," I added.

As the midnight riverboat cruise glided along the Mississippi River, the twinkling lights of New Orleans sparkled like diamonds in the night sky. Millionaire entrepreneur Kieran De'Lacroix and club owner Raven, sat on the deck, sipping champagne and getting hopelessly lost in each other's eyes. "So, I'm assuming you've already checked me out by now?" I say with a knowing look.

"Yes Ma'am," he replies. "So you're a witch also, huh?"

"I am." I smile at him. "And you're a Vampire!"

(Their first meeting was a chance encounter at her club, where Kieran was immediately drawn to her breathtaking Beauty and captivating smile. He knew from that very moment she would be his. And Raven was impressed by his Southern Chivalry and sense of adventure, and his sex appeal, she knew that he was everything she would ever need.)

As the jazz band played a slow sultry tune, He took my hand in his, guiding me to the dance floor, in a dimly lit room, he twirled me once then drew me close to his chest, as I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. We did a slow grind to the sultry beat. Kie expertly led my every movement. Our bodies in sync, in a dance meant for lovers. His hands rested on the small of my back, guiding me with a gentle but firm touch. His hips were hard against mine. I could feel his erection, as my nipples hardened against his chest, his lips grazed my neck trailing up to whisper softly in my ear, "Let me love you." As their bodies swayed with the music. His hands caressed my lower back pulling me even closer to him, I could feel his arousal, swelling with the slow grind of the dance. My sex was wet with wanting him.

The song ended long ago, but we continued to sway to the music only we could hear. There were too many people here. He slowly pulled away and gently led me outside.

The warm breeze carried the scent of magnolias, and the soft lapping of the water against the boat's hull created a soothing melody, they strolled along the deck, Kie pointed out the city's historic landmarks, and I shared stories of my club's past and the jazz legends who had performed there. Our conversation flowed like the river itself, effortless and natural.

As the night wore on, we found ourselves lost in each other's eyes, the chemistry between us almost perfect. Kie took my hand, and we slipped away to a secluded spot on the boat, where the city lights twinkled in a romantic backdrop.

Under the midnight sky, Kie leaned in, and our lips met in a soft, sweet kiss as he whispered: "I want you."

"I want you too" I whispered back.

"Sam's waiting for us at the dock, we could go to my place," he suggested. "I'd love to," I smile softly at him.

The riverboat's horn blew, and the sound echoed through the night, declaring their docking. Startled, us both we laughed softly, while still in a tight embrace. As the boat settled, Kie whispered, "I don't want this night to ever end, Raven." And I smiled, knowing that this was just the beginning of something special.

But just as we shared a tender but passionate kiss, a sudden loud crash echoed through the ship's deck, followed by the sound of shattering glass and terrifying screams. Kie's eyes widened in alarm as he pulled me close to him, "What's happening?" I said...and then, everything went black.

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