
Forbidden Embrace
Forbidden Embrace
Author: KarmaDeLacroix

chapter 1 & 2 Drunken Body Shots & Hidden Dangers

Chapter 1 & 2

Chapter 1. Drunken Body Shots

I woke up to, ambulance sirens going past my bedroom window, and my cat purring on my pillow above my head. I stretched and yawned, looking over at my alarm clock which had never gone off, probably because Scuttlebutt had stepped on the button and turned it off.

I stumbled my way into the kitchen after smelling my coffee pot brewing. Skuttlebutt, my fury familiar, ran ahead of me wanting treats.

I took out my favorite mug, fixed myself a steaming cup of coffee, and went to my bay window seat to watch the tourist walking by. Suddenly, I remembered that I needed to call the club and confirm Lucas' favorite band for his surprise birthday party tonight.

Lucas and I have been best friends since we were kids at the orphanage. We both joined the witches' coven seven years ago, but we have had powers since we were kids.

But before I could place the call my cell phone rang, it was Brent, my shapeshifter bouncer from the club. He opens early when we have deliveries. "The extra bottles of liquor have arrived, and also the band is here setting up for tonight, they want to know what songs you want them to play and what time you want them to start playing. They put together a list in case you didn't have one in mind." He waited for my instructions. " I can't believe I overslept. It's already noon and I'm just now having coffee. Whatever they have is fine." I yawned. "Just please make sure they brought all the equipment I had on the list," He said he would and hung up.

Later that night, as I waited outside the club for Lucas. I couldn't help but feel the excitement and anticipation. My best Friend in the whole world was turning 25 and I had planned a surprise party that promised to be a night to remember.

I met Lucas outside the club, in the guise of helping me with an early interview for a new bartender. I said that I couldn't find my keys anywhere and needed him to let me in.

He fumbled to find the light switch, and when the lights came on everyone yelled "SURPRISE!!" He was shocked to see that the club was full of friends and co-workers as well as some of the witches and warlocks from the coven. "HOLY SHIT, SIS !!" He hugged me, then the cheers and shouts from the crowd drew him in.

The club came alive with flashing neon lights and a fog machine that created a magical atmosphere. The music was pulsating and the crowd was buzzing with energy.

Lyra, my club waitress and vampire, was nowhere to be found, but a mysterious message on the wide screen above the DJ booth read: "The night is young, but time is running out.."

Suddenly, a cloaked figure appeared on stage, dressed in a black and wearing a mask. It was Lyra, she whispered into the mic, revealing that we were all a part of a mysterious game. "There is a mystery guest here tonight, somewhere among the crowd and 'Birthday, party boy' here, must follow the clues to find her beforeits too late."She hissed showing her fangs and said "The fun begins now.." the room went dark and you could hear evil laughter fading away.. then a spotlight appeared on Lyra, who's now at the bar.. she whispered again, in her sultry witchy way..

"First Lucas, Mr. Sexy, loverboy". She flirts with him and tells him he must find the female who's wearing vibrating panties and that person will give you, your first clue. "Hurry, tic toc.." his face turns red trying to figure out how to go about doing this.. "Wait a minute I have to touch every female in the club's, lady parts?" he says with a devilish grin...

"Or, Mr. Dive right in! you could just ask them!?!" the crowd explodes with laughter. "Yes, but my way is more fun." he declares as the men high-five him.

The night goes on as he solves clues and challenges all while the band plays, it is a whirlwind of twists and turns with sexy surprises in every corner. The crowd danced, the band only stopped when Lyra made announcements for the next clue. Everyone got a round of shots every time he solved a challenge.

Lucas solved riddles as he unraveled the mysteries of the club's secret past and its forbidden future all a fun game but was it?

As the party raged on long into the night, laughter and music filled the air, bottles littered the tables and everyone was stumbling around, when I noticed Lyra was lying on the table next to the bar, way too tipsy, trying to lure Brent into licking a body-shot.

"Come on you Sexyyy Man-Beassss, you know you want me!" she says with slurred words, then she whispers very loud "I want you too!" she moans "I need my own p-personal gigantic Teddy Bear," she says as she giggled.

"Oh boy, Brent take her to my office while I call her brother to come get her." He smiles while trying to convince her to go with him, which she does without hesitation.

I listened to the band play their last song as they announced that it was last call. The club was a mess and so were they.

The party was a huge success. Then I saw him walk in. I've heard her talk about her brother many times but she never said how deliciously sexy he was.

I watched him as he scanned the room searching for me. He stood 6'4" tall, with a strong muscular build. His hair was jet black, long and messy. His piercing blue eyes finally found me. His full lips curled up into a devilish grin, with a small scar just above his left eyebrow which only added to his rugged sex appeal. His style was effortless, wearing a half-unbuttoned fitted silk shirt, dark jeans, and an Italian leather jacket. He had that billionaire, deadly, sexy-hot, mob boss look that had all the ladies drawn to him, with lustful eyes.

As he moved his confidence and charisma were alluring, drawing me in like a magnet, "Raven?" his deep smooth voice made me feel like I was the only person in the room, I was hopelessly captivated by his presence. Every gesture and every smile seemed to be tailored to make me feel like I was his for the taking. My heartbeat was pounding in my chest as he smelled my sexual arousal.

Chapter 2 Hidden Dangers

Just stepping out of a steaming hot shower he wraps a towel around his hips and heads for the kitchen. Lyra is seated at the table still in her PJs drinking a steaming cup of coffee, with a splitting headache.

"Good morning party girl." her brother greets her. "I'm assuming you have one hell of a hangover. The party was that good, huh." He smiles as he recalls the club and the stunningly beautiful Raven Williams. "Yeah, I kinda over-did it a bit?" she says softly.

"Oh you should have heard the stuff you were saying in the limo ride home, even Sam was blushing." he laughs.

"Oh geez, do I even wanna know?" she moans.

"Well I'm not repeating it," he says as he fixes coffee for himself, despite the maid fussing over it.

She sat across from him as she sipped her coffee, admiring his charming smile. Then she thought about last night with Brent. She had secretly wanted Brent to notice her, and after what happened last night, a sly grin slowly spread across her face, Now, I don't think he'll ever forget me, She blushed.

"So tell me more about your boss." He asked as he watched her.

"Oh my God no Kie, you cannot date my boss! that will be way too weird". she replied."

He raised an eyebrow. "Geez, I just asked a question. I haven't proposed to her or anything" He laughs.

His sister grabs her coffee and her laptop. Shaking her head at him with a sweet smile she strolls back to her room. But the truth was, she secretly wanted her brother to hook up with her boss, then maybe he'd support her relationship with Brent. Maybe, just maybe, I'd have to reconsider my earlier statement. After all, a little weirdness could be a good thing right?

"Sam find out everything you can on Miss Raven Williams..." he says as he walks into his office.

"Yes, Boss." a man of few words but a massive amount of knowledge about everything, when you have lived as long as he has, you learn a lot.


He unlocks his front door with a grin on his face still thinking about Lyra and what she said. He thinks.. If she only knew how hard he was, with her saying all those delicious things to me, and he can never tell Raven that he did take that belly shot she offered me, after Raven Walked away to call her brother. he wanted this woman so bad, her 'personal TeddyBear' will eat her alive and make her scream my name, over and over again.

He pops a TV dinner into the microwave.. Does she even know that I'm a Grizzly shapeshifter? Did Raven tell her? She must have, after all, Raven did tell me she was a vampire. And.... his People would have a certified shit fit, if they found out, that he wanted her like this. It's strictly forbidden, but he wanted her with every beat of his heart.


"I feel like cooking tonight, but I'm not sure what to get as I shop around the local market in the French Quarter of New Orleans.

The city has a diverse population, and everyone seems to get along well, except for the occasional dispute. New Orleans is a lively city that keeps its residents well entertained, from Mardi Gras to Jazz Fest, the French Quarter to the Superdome. It's one of the oldest cities in the state and has a rich history, from vampires to voodoo queens, and Cajuns are well known for their charm.

After deciding on a Seafood Creole Gumbo, I returned home with my grocery bags.

Later in my kitchen while stirring her pot of browned onions and bell peppers adding a dash of cayenne pepper and a pinch of paprika. I added the shrimp and half crabs to the pot, as I stirred the Gumbo with my wooden spoon. It felt like I was putting a lil piece of my magic into the pot. Everyone could taste the love I poured into every dish I made.

When the Gumbo was finally ready, I let out a satisfied sigh, taking another sip of my wine before giving the pot a final stir. I closed my eyes and let the flavors transport me to the bayous and cypress swamps where I grew up.

*Would it be too weird if I called to check in on Lyra?* I talk with Scuttlebutt while tasting my gumbo to make sure it's seasoned just right.

*I like the hooman, female* He says in their mind link.

The rice pot dings to let me know that the rice is ready. .. He just meows and rubs around her legs, hoping she'll give him a treat.

* She smells nice, but sad that she doesn't have 9 lives like me.* I had no idea that this was something he had seen in her future

* What do you mean by that?* She looks at him Strangely.

As I changed the music to something more sultry swaying around the kitchen while setting the table I sipped my glass of wine my thoughts wonder back to last nights meeting with Kieran.

"What the hell.." I cant help but giggle over what I'm about to do, the wine has given me new found confidence, as I places the call.

He answers on the second ring. "Well hello, beautiful."

I smile felling silly." I see Southern charm is still alive and well." "Yes, Ma'am," he says with a thick southern drawl, sending shivers down my spine. "Well Mr. De'Lacroix, I was just checking in on our lil party girl, to see how she doing.?"

"Oh, she's got a massive hangover, and... can you believe it? She has forbidden me to have anything to do with you?" he says with a mischievous grin.

"Is that so?" I said being sassy, " Well in that case, have you eaten Dinner yet? I've just made my world-famous Seafood Gumbo." Of course I had to brag, while still swaying to the music.

"Well, that sounds like an invitation that I cant refuse, what kind of wine would you like me to bring?."

"Red Please!" Why am I giggling so much?

"I love a Lady who begs, I'm on my way." He hangs up after getting into his limo, "Sam?"

"I just put her address into the GPS Sir." He smiles looking into the rearview mirror.

Kie expertly ties a ribbon around the bottle that he had grabbed from his wine cellar, while on the phone with Raven. As Sam glides his limo smoothly into traffic.

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