
6. Kissed The Wrong Person

Emily’s POV

I was hell embarrassed, I mean how? 

I kissed my best friend, just the thought is so weird and here I actually did this. 

Oh god!

"I guess you left to get some snacks, Emily?" Leo asked. 

"Yeah I have told Nancy to get some." I said while he nodded.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here? Come sit with us" it was Andy.

"No, we are cool here. I am not in a mood to argue with Rigel." 

"Oh come on Emily he isn't alone we are with him he won't say anything." I looked towards my friends.

"I think we should tease him." Ava said with an evil tone in my ear. We both smirked as I knew how Rigel was going to react.

"Sure why not," Ava said. We went near them and sat beside them. Rigel looked at me then towards Andy. If looks could kill he must have died by now.

"What bro they were sitting alone there so I thought to have some company you know." 

"You are such a good human being." he said sarcastically.

"I know brother, stop praising me." I chuckled. 

He glared at me while I made a serious face. Everyone settled down while I got a seat besides HIM. But At this moment I am least interested to watch a movie or irritate anyone as I am thinking about the kiss. 

I mean Carl and I? Why god why? Why on earth did I have to face all the weird things? 

"Emily take this." Carl said, forwarding me a box. When did the snacks come? 

"Thanks." I move forward to hold them. 

Fuck. His hot breath is falling on my face, damn why is he so attractive that I always forget the relationship between us. I looked towards his lips, they were so damn attractive, like inviting me. 

"Will you let me watch the movie?" He asked slowly. 

"Uhmm I..." 

"What?" Someone please tell him to stay away, he is making me lose my mind.I straighten up myself and mouthed a sorry but he rolled his eyes 

Rude asshole!

I ate my nuggets Trying to concentrate on the movie. I looked back at him then at the box. Should I offer him? He will deny as usual, so yeah I won't.

"Want some?" Yes I am mad you can call me whatever you want.

"Thanks." To my surprise he took one. 

"You are welcome." 


We were sitting near a pool as Andy asked us to join them. He is not that bad, he is all nice to us. Also Helen is a nice girl and Joe too, her boyfriend I guess.

Ava, Andy, Linda and Leo are enjoying themselves in the pool while Helen and Joe are sitting with each other having some talks. 

Rigel is inside the house And I am sitting with Carl and I have decided to ask him about the incident that happened today but I won't ask straight.

"So how was your day?" I asked.

"Good! I really enjoyed today all thanks to you." he said and I smiled.

"No need for thanks." he was using his phone. 

"You tell me how everything is in this house?" 

"Cool but sometimes I get bored you know." 

"I can understand but you can call me whenever you feel bored." 

"Yes I know! Btw did something strange happen to you today?" 

"Means? What kind of strange?" 

"I mean anything strange you never would have imagined." 

"Uhm... Let me think, strange.... Yeah one thing."


"That Linda." 

"What Linda? What about her?"

"Actually She is my assistant and I was quite shocked to see her here," he said.

"Oh she is your assistant, that's strange. She doesn't look like working under someone." 

"Yeah but I tell you she is a very hard working person." 

"Yeah maybe." I said. I still don't know if it was him or not! Godddd.

Later the same night I was gazing at the stars while everyone was sleeping here only. Someone forwarded a plate of Alfredo pasta in front of me and I turned around to see Carl, who else it could be.

"You remember?" I asked, holding the plate.

"How can I forget the thing connected to you?" He sat beside me while I started eating.

"It's beyond tasty so yummy Carl if you want you can be a great chef I am telling you." I suggested.

"I am okay with my job but I can be a chef for you." he said. I looked at him for a moment then again concentrated on my food. Uff Emily you are so stupid, offer him some!

I made a bite and forwarded my hand towards his mouth, he took a bite and smiled towards me. 

"Well I guess you are right I should open a restaurant." We both laughed and had some chat.

"I am sleepy now," I said, yawning.

"Come let's sleep." We lay on the leftover mattress. He kept his hand under my head as there was no pillow. 

"Good night." I said. 

He kissed my forehead lovingly saying good night. He often does this and I love this thing about him, he is so cute and loving.

The next morning everyone left after having breakfast and it was all nice except for that rude arrogant Martin. He didn't answer any of the questions my friends asked.

I changed my clothes and was going to do some shopping as I will go mad staying in the room but again bumped into someone. I don't have to guess because I know who he is, The Arrogant Martin.

"Not again!" he said. I looked at him. I was holding his waist to balance myself. 

"Why are you so rude?" I asked. He came closer to me. 

"Because I am like this only, do you have a problem?" He asked. I was going to say something but I got suspicious of the fragrance? I held his shirt, smelling it. 

"What do you think you are doing?" He asked. I was shocked, no this can't be the truth!

It's the same smell, same perfume! Is he the one who kissed me? Emily Martin you are dead!

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