
5. Lights Off Scene On.

Andy’s POV

I came out of the room in search of Rigel. I don't understand this man dude I mean so what if his sister called her friends in the house? She has the right to do whatever she wants but who can make Rigel Martin Understand? 

I was walking down the stairs when my eye fell on Emily. She was standing outside her dad's room while Rigel was also there arguing I guess. There were 2 boys and 1 girl along with her. I think I should call Rigel before he loses his temper. 

I was going to call him but stopped looking at the girl as she turned around for a moment. And my world stopped!

She is the same girl... Fuck yes she is the same girl I have been looking for. After a year I saw her. I was so lost that I didn't realise when Rigel came near me.



"Where the fuck are you lost? Let's go." 

"Yeah I mean why are you so angry man calm down!" 

"Yeah sure I will calm down." he said sarcastically while we left for our room. I still can't believe I saw her.

"Uhm you guys continue I just come" I said.

"Now where are you going, Andy?" Linda asked.

"I forgot I have an important call to do, I just came" I excused myself and left! I came down, knocked on the door and entered inside. They were still here. She looked at me, oh god my heart!

"Hey Emily, I came here to meet your friends as you know all of us now so I thought to meet yours as well." I don't know what I just said. 

"Yeah why not here guys meet Andy, Rigel’s friend and ANdy this is Carl," She said pointing towards a tall guy.



"This is Leo." He was not so tall.

"Nice to meet you, bro," he said

"Me too."

"And she is Ava." Finally I got to know her name.


"Hi Ava."

"So? The introduction is done, what else?" Emily asked.

"Nothing Now I think I should leave you guys alone." saying so I came out. 

"Ava!" I was repeating it again and again. 

Emily's POV

We spent almost 10 minutes with Dad then came out. Now we are going into a different world. I didn't know about this all these years but today in the morning Nancy told me. There is a door beside Dad's room. I opened the door while there were stairs 

"Where are you taking us Emily, do you wanna kill us?" Leo mocked.

"Very funny." 

As we came down I was memorised! This is something beyond imagination. This is like a secret floor. It has so many rooms. I moved in. There is a separate gym room as well as a theatre room. Yes, can you imagine? I never knew about this. 

"Damn Emily you are so fucking rich," Ava said. 

"Yeah dude just look at this no one can imagine that there is a secret floor under the house," Leo said,

"I was unaware as well, anyways come let's watch a movie" 

"Yes it's gonna be fun watching a movie in a home theatre," Carl said excitedly

We entered the room to see the screen on, the movie was already playing on the screen. We looked at each other. Why on earth does everything have to be difficult?

Throwing Rigel out of this room is beyond impossible. 

"Well I guess we have to change our plan", Carl said.

"Why? We won't" I said. 

"So are you gonna argue with him?" 

"No we can watch this movie," Ava said and I looked at her.

"Are you serious?" I asked. 

"Yeah I mean I have seen this movie before and this is my favourite movie so I don't have any issue," she said.

"So let's see then," Leo said and we settled down. They still don't know about our presence as we are sitting far from them.


It's been half an hour. The movie was interesting but there is something missing, the snacks!

"I am going to get some snacks. Do you want anything?" I asked them.

"Of course we want Emily, I need popcorn and coke," Leo said and I rolled my eyes, Hungry hulk.

"Me too"

"I will have chicken nuggets," Carl said and I nodded. We both are the same because we eat nuggets while watching a movie.

I came out of the room and was moving ahead but stopped. That room has gained my attention since I came here. I went towards the room and was going to open it but...

The lights were suddenly off! 

"What the fuck?" I looked for my phone in my pocket but it wasn't there, I gave my phone to Carl. 

I am not able to see a single thing here. How am I supposed to go up now? I turned back to go into the theatre room but I collided with something hard

"Oww my head." I rubbed it a bit.

I again started moving forward but again bumped into something but this time it was a human. I held him tightly to balance us. We collided with a wall nearby but we fell as it was a door and it got open.

I fell on the floor and he fell on me. Oh god, he is so heavy. I can assure it's not a girl because of the figure. 



I can't believe this. How I didn't realise it? His lips are on mine... WHAT.THE.FUCK? No this can't be the truth, Emily do something stop him. It's not like this guy is kissing me but still, his lips are on mine! And this man is so heavy to push. 


No no no he is kissing me? This bastard is taking my first kiss away from me. I am gonna kill the hell out of him. He held my cheek, caressing it with his thumb. His upper lip was holding my lower lip sucking it like he owned it.

And guess what? 

Yeah, you guessed it right. I too started responding to him. I held his face in my hands and he became wild all of a sudden. 

He took both of my lips in his mouth tasting them while I was letting him do whatever he wants


Boom, reality hit me hard. 

I tried pushing him away, beating his chest with my tiny hands. He broke the kiss, siding away and giving me a way to go. I stood up and ran out. I looked around to see where to go. I am not able to see anything. Suddenly the lights were back! 

Wow! Just wow

I ran back to the theatre to see them still sitting there.

"What happened to the light?" Ava asked as soon as she saw me.

"I went to check the same" I looked around towards Rigel and his friends. Everyone was there I guess. Then who was he? 

The door opened and Carl entered inside. I was shocked. Did I kiss him? No no no this can't be the truth. 

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