
4. Changes Of Behaviour

Emily's POV

Everyone is weird in this house. I mean first that Ruth and now his son Rigel. I don't know what their problem is. Like Mother, like son.

I ate my sandwich sitting in my room because it's better to stay in the room than roaming around and bumping into weird people. After I was done I went into Dad's room and sat beside him holding his hand.

"Yesterday I didn't have the courage to talk to you but today I had to. I know I am very selfish because I always thought about myself. I never looked back at you thinking you hate me, I don't know why this was always in my mind that you hate me. I am so sorry dad I'm sorry for not being there for you." The door opened with a thud while I wiped my tears looking towards the door. It was Rigel.

"Not again!" He said and was leaving.

"Rigel wait." he stopped while I came in front of him.

"What?" He asked.

"Yesterday your behaviour was different from mine. I mean you introduced me to your friends and everything was nice between us so what happened suddenly? I mean why are you so rude to me all of a sudden?"

"Why do you care?" 

"It's not like that I just... I am just confused."

"You shouldn't be. It's just yesterday you were like a guest but from today you are permanent." Saying so he left, leaving me confused. What does he mean?

Is he irritated because of my appearance in the house? But why is he? I have all right to stay here and he is no one to get upset. Why am I caring so much? My foot!


It's been a week of me staying here. I am seriously bored now. I mean there is nothing fun to do in this house, now I feel like my friends were right. I shouldn't have come here to live but now what is done is done. After that day I never talked to Rigel. I didn't even look at him because I was least interested. He had a performance in his college and they won. I saw it on the Tv it was nice. He is a great singer. 

Today I invited my friends as they wanted to see Dad and also we will spend some time together watching a movie or something. I was passing by the corridor when my eyes fell on the room. Ah, my playroom. I still remember I had so many toys and games in this room. I don't know if the room is still the same or not.

I entered inside, closing the door behind me. No it wasn't the same, it looks like it's a bedroom now. I moved in to see a lot of medals hanging on a shelf with a lot of trophies as well. For a second I was mesmerised. Then my eyes fell on the photo frame on the same shelf. This room belongs to Rigel! I kept the frame back in Its place and went towards the wall as there were more photos. It was him with his mom and friends and some other people. 

"What are you doing here?" I turned around with a thud. He was standing so close to me! My heart was beating at a rapid speed as if it would come out any second. 

"I... I was looking at your med..medals and photos."

"I asked why you came here?" His voice gave shivers to my body.

"I... It was my playroom I.. Just came to check if it was still the same or not." 

"So you checked?"


"Then leave," he said, rolling his eyes. 

I looked around my surroundings as his hands were on both sides. I looked back at him.  My eyes were staring at his facial features. His eyes, his nose, and the mole just above his lips make him attractive, his lips. My eyes were stuck on them for I don't know how long. 

Flick Flick

"Where are you lost? I said out of my room." I came back to the world. 

"Sorry," I said and made my way out under his arm and left the room.

Coming out I tried to catch some breaths. What just happened inside? It was so weird how you can feel attracted towards your step brother Emily? Hush hush go away you dirty thoughts. 

"Ok Emily just forget about it okay it was just a fucking dirty thought no need to think about it." I was talking to myself. I left towards my room


I was waiting for my friends roaming near the main gate and it had been an hour since they said they were just coming. The door knocked while I ran to open the door. 

"Where were..." I stopped as it was Rigel’s friends. 

"Hey Emily, how are you?" I guess her name was Helen. 

"Fine!" I said and gave them a way.

But today there was another guy with them whom I didn't see that day. Maybe a friend. 


"Where is Rigel?" Uhmm yeah it was Andy I guess.

"I guess in his room," I said and they left. 

It is 9 pm now and they are still not here. I am sitting in my room tapping my foot on the floor angrily.

"Emily!" Ava called. I didn't look at them.

"Emily baby!" It was Leo now

"Sorry Emily I was stuck with some work in an office and because of me we got late." Carl said.

"I don't care," I said.

"Oh my god so much anger my little pumpkin," Carl said, boiling my anger. 

"Shut up" 

"Emily I am sorry please," he said holding his ears 

"Fine But I need something in return." 

"Whatever you say." 

"Think twice before saying," I said.

"I don't have to just order me," he said with a smile. 

"Enough dude this was cheesy," Leo said while Ava chuckled.

"I want you to make that Alfredo pasta for me now," I said while his facial expression changed.

"Now?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yes, now why is there any problem? Someone was speaking a lot a few seconds ago." I said. 

"Of course, I can just tell where the kitchen is," he said, getting up.

"Yeah dude you can make it but not now as first I wanna see your dad," Ava said.

"Yeah me too," Leo said.

"Ok then let's go to him first," I said while we left the room. 

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