
3. Friendly Talks.

"Emily? What are you doing here?" I shut my eyes tightly as it was Rigel. I turned around!

"Uhm... I was passing by and I heard some music sound so I stopped to check." 

"Oh, won't you come inside and meet my friends?" He asked.

"I don't think it's a great idea." 

"Why not? Come." he said while I nodded, not knowing what to do.

"If you want to." We entered the room while everyone stopped their talks.

"Guys meet Emily, she is my... Ahem yeah, she is my sister... Step sister." I looked at him then at his friends.

"Haha, what?" It was a girl.

"What do you mean by step-sister Rigel did you find out about your dad's affair or what?" It was a boy now.

"Watch your tongue you fucker."

"Oops, I am sorry."

"But Rigel on a serious note, who is she?"  Another girl asked.

"I told you she is my step-sister, Emily and Emily meet Linda!" He said pointing towards the girl standing near Piano

"Hi Linda." 

"Hi Emily, nice to meet you," she said with a warm smile. 

"He is Andy," He said, pointing toward the drummer.

"Hi Emily"


"And she is Helen." The girl was holding a guitar.


"Hi Helen, nice to meet you."  I was feeling awkward 

"Nice to meet you all but right now I have to leave. I have some important things to do " I excused myself and left.


"Will you fucking speak up that what happened?" Ava asked as I was tapping my foot and playing with my fingers.

I told them everything that happened in the mansion except my shifting news.

"Will you say something, Emily?" Carl asked polity

"I am telling you guys, can't you wait?" 

"For god's sake Emily we have been waiting for the last 15 minutes And You know I am already hungry, your behaviour is making me angry," Leo said and I rolled my eyes, hungry hulk. 

"Ok fine Just 2 more minutes," I said while Ava slapped her face.

"Fine," she said. I know they all are gonna burst out but I have to tell them. 

"Ok so... Iamshiftinginthathouse," I said in a go.

"What?" Carl asked.

"What you said we didn't understand a single word?" Ava said being irritated. 

"Fuck it's already difficult to say!"

"You have to speak," Leo said. 

"I am shifting in that house." None of them said a word. They all were looking at me like I was invisible or something from any other planet. 

"What?" I asked for a response.

"Tell us you are lying," Carl said. 

"Unfortunately no it's true." 

"Emily you can't be serious, enough of this shit I don't like these types of jokes," Ava  said roaming around.

"She isn't lying!" Leo said, trying to figure me out. 

"How the fuck you know?" Now it was Carl totally pissed. 

"Because her expressions can tell." I sighed. 

"Guys I know you all must be angry but trust me I have thought a lot about it. Staying there will give me some time with my father which I never had because of my stupidity. I want to spend some time with him and I think I need this."

"You know what I was wrong about you, I thought you were not an idiot like other emotional girls but you are. How can you be so stupid? You want to live in that house with youstepmotherer and your step brother? Are you even serious? you know she hates you to the core but you still wanna live there." 

"Yes I want to live there and you know what I am not an emotional brat. I know what I am doing, I know what I need in my life. I am not a 16 years old teenager, I am 23 and I can look around the good and bad. But you know what guys you can never understand me, never." saying so I left for my room. I was really angry!

Author's POV

"You know what guys you both are mad she is right you can never understand her, you can't see what she must be going through seeing her father in this condition but why will you care right?" Leo shouted and left behind Emily

"Arghh" Carl cursed under his breath.

Back to Emily’s POV

I was sitting on my bed holding my head. It was when Leo came and sat beside me.

"So? When are you leaving today or tomorrow?" He asked to eat popcorn.

"You aren't angry at me for leaving?" I asked taking some popcorn. 

"Of course not, why will I be? it's your right to live in that house and you know whatever your decision is I am always there for you and I understand what you are going through Emily," he said. I hugged him tightly.

"You always understand me Leo and I love you! You know I always thought Ava could understand me more but she always proves me wrong because she never stands by me, it is always you." 

"Woho ok ok no backbiting ok and no buttering as well."

"I am not buttering, I am telling the truth." 

"Ok ok! Let's eat popcorn" he said, offering me the bowl while I took some. 

"Can we join you guys?" They both popped their heads inside the room but I didn't answer. 

"Emily, can you please forgive us?" Carl asked. 

"Emily I know I always fuck up things but you know I am a bit possessive for all of you I can't see you guys sad or tensed and for that, I can become selfish but  I hurt you every time can you please forgive me?" She asked, holding her ears.

"And me too? Because I love you...guys so much." he said. I smiled going towards them while they hugged me in a group hug. We talked for a while before sleeping. 


I met them one by one before leaving the house. They asked me for the lift but I refused. I knew they all had work to do.

While on the other hand:

Rigel and Andy were having breakfast together as Rigel was at Andy’s place

"You know what it was awkward to see her. I mean I knew I had an elder step sister but I never thought I would meet her. I mean it has been years since she left the house and her sudden appearance I don't know why but I feel like she is going to disturb our life." Rigel said.

"Chill dude, she just came to meet his father she isn't moving in right so what's the big deal?"

"I know and I hope she never comes back because it's weird for me to introduce my step sister, eww like why?" 

"It's life you can't always get what you want dude. I am an example in front of you." Andy said drinking coke. "It has been a year since I saw her in that coffee shop and I fell in love and I still never found her even after trying so fucking hard." 

"Yeah you're right but you know what I have a gut feeling you will find her soon." Rigel said looking at his phone. 

"Hope so! By the way, where are Helen and Linda? I mean we have just 2 days left for the performance. We should practise more and more." 

"Yeah I called them, they have gone shopping and they will be here within an hour."



I entered the room to see that the old bed was exchanged with a new one. I smiled because I knew it was because of Nancy.

Keeping my things on a side I went down to see no one around. Thankfully I don't have to see that bitch's face in the morning.I went inside the kitchen to see what I could eat. 

"Can you please make a double cheese chicken sandwich for me?" I asked from the cook while she nodded with a smile.

"Sure dear you go and wait outside," she said while I left.

I came out while humming and dancing a bit when I collided with someone. I turned around to see Rigel. I passed a small smile while he too smiled back but I could surely tell it was fake.

"Good morning!" 

"Morning," he said, like doing some pity on me. Before I could say something he left!

Why this sudden rudeness?


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