

Cora walked into Evans office as he looked up at her in surprise, he didn't expect to see her.

"Cora" he called standing up from his feet as he approached her.

"I didn't expect to see you here.." he said, noticing the sullen look on her face.

"Is anything the matter?" He asked, it was so unlike her to look so down.

"Yes I'm fine.." she replied flashing a smile at him, loosening her dull demeanor a bit.

"Why are you here?" He queried, she never liked to be seen around his office, what is she doing here now?

"I came to see you, " she said, walking close to him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Ok….." he drawled out, circling his hands on her waist.

"Hmm" Cora mumbled to herself, leaning over to kiss him,

"Cora" he called breaking away from the kiss.

"What are you doing?" He asked, she's kind of behaving strange.

"Initiating sex, I obviously came here to f*ck you, got any problem with that?" She asked innocently,

" You know I'd never" the corner of Evans lips pulled up, as he pressed
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