

Cora settled herself on top of Evans as she made him sit on the chair, without wasting any time, she hastily reached for his trousers, unzipping his pants, she pulled off his belt, flinging it to a corner, she didn't fail to notice his large bulge, he was as well ready for her.

Using her bare hands to take up his hard rock length, which was already standing tall and proud ready to ravage the wet sex offered before it.

His hard length felt so hot in her palms, so hot… if it was branding her his, without wasting much of her time, she supported herself up, fixing her wet glistening sex, at the base of his hard length, driving all the way home.

Cora immediately felt sated, feeling his mighty rod inside of her, it was as if an empty space had been filled up,not only that, he felt so good inside of her….so good.

She started rocking him, moving up and down, since Evans has resorted to torturing her, she will have the honor of taking care of things herself.




Evans sat half naked o
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