


As the pressure mounted and the threat of the rogues grew stronger, I found myself slumped in my chair, my head heavy with the weight of worry. The neighboring packs had already fallen victim to these rogue attacks, and it seemed like a matter of time before they turned their attention to our pack. Their motives remained unclear, their actions seemingly purposeless.

The rogues didn't come to kill, that was certain. Instead, they targeted pack members and valuable resources, leaving chaos and confusion in their wake. I knew the horrors they inflicted on other packs – using gases to incapacitate patrol guards, invading homes, and taking pack members without leaving behind any ransom demands. It was a strategy that left everyone bewildered and searching for answers.

As the Alpha of our pack, I had to take immediate action. I called back warriors from neighboring packs, hoping to bolster our defenses and prepare for whatever onslaught the rogues had in store. Every moment cou
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