


As I pushed the door open, my heart was pounding with a mix of apprehension and anger. The sight that met my eyes was unexpected, to say the least. There, amidst a disarray of clothes strewn about the room, lay Lorcan – asleep and seemingly undisturbed. The relief that washed over me was palpable, yet it was short-lived as I took in the scene more closely.

As I scanned the room, my gaze fell upon an unfamiliar undergarment on the floor, and a sense of unease settled in once again. However, my attention was abruptly diverted as someone else emerged from the bathroom – someone I hadn't anticipated seeing in this context.

"Melantha?" I whispered incredulously, shock and disbelief coursing through me. It was Lorcan's stepsister, a person whom I had interacted with on numerous occasions. The realization hit me like a tidal wave – Lorcan was involved with his own stepsister, a fact that seemed absurd and incomprehensible.

Anger and revulsion surged within me as I processed the
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