
Chapter 3 Time to play

Chapter THREE..

Inside a dark room with only dimly lit light coming from the computer sat Damian..

He was busy working on something and his slender fair fingers moved gracefully around the keyboard while he kept his cold gaze fixed on the computer in Front of him..

Seems like whatever he was working on was really important..

His blue eyes were sharper than ever as he paid close attention to whatever he was doing…

His sharp jawline makes him irresistible..

He looked like a fictional character from a novel..

Damian was the type parents warn their kids about..

A knock landed on the door and he muttered a ‘ Come in without taking his eyes off the screen..

The door was pulled open and someone walked in as quietly as possible…..

“ What do you want?” His cold voice was enough to send anyone running for their lives…

The chief maid who'd just walked into his study bow respectfully even though Damian barely spared her a glance..

“ She's quite feisty but everything has been taken care of..” the maid informed his boss and his fingers momentarily stopped moving for a brief moment before a smirk appeared on his face.

“ I see…” He simply said and continued working..

“ What about the other stuff?” Damian asked and she gulped down nervously…

“ It's been taken care of.. “ she bowed slightly once again…

“ You should know what would happen if there's a loophole in your arrangements.” Damian wasn't one to threaten someone..

He would clearly say what he was gonna do and the maid of course knew what would happen if she didn't do her job right..

“ She's still sedated..” The old woman informed him…

“ barbiturates?” He asked without sparing her a glance.. of course everyone knew what he was like when he's in his workaholic mode.

“ benzodiazepines, Sir..” the maid was silently wishing the boss didn't throw a fit.

All she wanted at the moment was to get away as fast she could from the Master to avoid incurring his wrath..

“ I see….”

“ You can leave now..” Damian ordered and the maid scrawled away immediately..

Once she was gone, the look on his face changed to that of a mysterious one, he tapped a few buttons and the CCTV footage of his bedroom began displaying on his screen…

His lips curled upwards into a mysterious smirk as he stared at the unconscious lady on his bed..

“ Sexy..” he mumbled to himself as he stared at her slender, fair legs with porcelain skin like a doll..

Lord Damian observed the unconscious Samantha for sometime and soon she became conscious and began looking around the entire room..

Damian's interest had been pegged as he watched in anticipation waiting to see what she was gonna do next..

She got outta the bed and began looking around the place and her eyes suddenly fell on the closed curtains..

“ Open it..” Damian whispered with interest in his eyes even though he knew there was no way she could hear him..

He stood up unhurriedly and walked towards the door..


The door opened and Lord Damian walked in shirtless, showing off his tattoos and abs..

“ I see you're awake.” He mumbled as he casually walked towards the coffee table and picked up a cigarette, his blue eyes were slightly dimmed.

Instead of answering, Samantha made an attempt to run away but unfortunately she'd barely taken any step when he suddenly grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back..

Samantha was injected with benzodiazepines earlier and this weakened her power making it extremely hard for her to defend herself..

Samantha hissed in pain when he suddenly pulled her by the hair. She hated the fact that she wasn't able to put up a fight.

“ Not so fast, Little one..”

“ Where do you think you're going?”

“ Take your filthy hands off me!” Samantha glared daggers at him but he Simply smirked and shoved her aside roughly making her almost lose her stand but managed to keep standing..

Samantha was trying so hard to calm down because her heart beat seems to have accelerated..

“ Strip!” Damian commanded as he sat down on the single couch in his bedroom with a cigarette at the corner of his lips..

“ Why should I do that?” Samantha was definitely ready to argue with him.. who the hell did he think he was?

“ I just have to say the word and your father can kiss the world goodbye…you just had to please me and everything would be fine. ” Damian nonchalantly mentioned and that seems to have gotten to her pretty good as she suddenly stopped arguing.

Samantha took a deep breath as she tried to suppress her emotions… Samantha had seen so many dangerous people but never in her life did she imagine she would ever get involved with someone as cruel as the man standing in front of her.

She practically wanted to punch him in the gut but of course she couldn't do that because a lot is at stake..

She slowly began taking off her nightgown in humiliation while trying to swallow her grievances. She'd never been this humiliated in her entire life and somehow wished there was something she could do..

Samantha mentally scolded herself not to give him the satisfaction of seeing her in tears.. she wasn't gonna let a single tear drop no matter how humiliated and disgusted she felt at the moment

Damian smirked mysteriously as he noticed she was struggling to keep a straight face..

His eyes moved from her pretty face all the way down to her perfect body with a long slender legs.

Damian was aroused just staring at her enticing body. He couldn't wait to tame her completely and have her submit to him but of course Samantha was a wild card and would take every trick he'd to finally break her.

Damian knew how important family was to Samantha and he planned to use that to his advantage and make her submit to him.

He dumped the cigarette butt on the silver ashtray before moving to a standing position before walking towards her unhurriedly..

He trailed his thumb on her cheeks slowly and moved downwards to her cleavage as he drew tiny circles on her cleavage..

She felt disgusted with his touch but just couldn't push him away even though deep down she was so tempted to break his fingers for touching her without her consent.

“ Kiss me..” Damian leaned closer and whispered into ear and bit down on her earlobe teasingly..

Samantha widened her eyes in shock and anger but finally pressed her lips against his even though she was screaming angrily in her head and wanted to rip the man apart and feed him to the wolves.

Samantha managed to suppress the disgust building at the depths of her stomach as her lips came in contact with his..

She pulled away immediately like someone who'd been electrocuted and wiped her lips with the back of her palm feeling grossed out…

Damian Chuckled seeing how unskilled she was… the more she resisted the harder he got down there. His little brother was practically begging to be released.

Being feisty only made his interest in her grow..

All his life he'd gotten used to women being scared of him and also willingly throwing their bodies at him but it was the very first time he'd come across someone who doesn't think that much of him..

Samantha was indeed interesting..

“ Are you a virgin?” Damian bluntly asked and she felt her cheeks turned crimson red from embarrassment and anger…

It felt like she'd been poked on her sore spot and this ignited the fury inside of her..

She raised her hand in attempt to slap him but he suddenly caught of her wrist before she touch his face..

“ Do you know what I do to people who try to do that?” Samantha felt the anger oozing outta his body and she knew she was gonna regret her actions but of course she couldn't help it..

She'd always kept to herself and also promised to give her first time to someone she truly loves..

“Their hands were given to my pets as breakfast.” Damian's grip on her wrist tightened and the pain almost brought tears to her eyes but she maintained an angry face..

“ Take your hand off me..” Samantha said in between clenched teeth as she glared at him with her bloodshot eyes.. There Samantha made up her mind to find a way to get outta the hell hole as soon as possible.

Everything about Damian screamed Danger but Samantha couldn't care less..

She wasn't gonna lose her virginity to a man who holds little or no respect for a lady..

“ You disgust me..” Samantha spat and this ignited the anger in him as his grip tightened even more.

“ It seems like you haven't been tamed enough….” Damian dragged her towards the bed and pushed her on it like she weighed nothing making her groan soft but he suddenly hovered over her.

“ Some things you just have to do yourself..”

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