
Chapter 4 Toy

Damian pinned her against the bed and slowly trailed sultry kisses all over her neckline down to cleavage while his free hand roamed her body… he was gonna make her beg for him to have her..

Knowing she wouldn't be able to save her first time, she closed her eyes while trying to stay like a log of wood on the bed, not giving Damian a single reaction but of course Damian was indeed good at his game as his lips found its way to her C cup tities..

Damian ran his tongue around her areolas while he kept his eyes on her face observing her reaction and just as he'd suspected she was trying to suppress her emotions..

He bit down on her perky nipples making her tremble but Damian wasn't done with her when his fingers suddenly found its way to her honeypot..

His lips curled upwards when he saw how wet she was down there..

“ All wet and ready for me… It must be so difficult to resist my charms..” He whispered with a husky voice when he suddenly slid his finger into her core making her whimper…

Samantha was still trying to stay like a log of wood and not give in to his satisfaction but Damian seemed to have a whole lot of tricks up his sleeve..

He trailed his thumb on her bud as he began moving his fingers in and outta her core while he kept his lips on her throbbing nipples..

Damn she was so tight down there and he could already feel her walls tightening up around his finger..

Damian decided to add one more finger, Samantha bit down on her bottom lip to stop herself from giving in as he forced his two fingers into her extremely tight core..

He began thrusting in and outta her with his fingers while his tongue gave equal treatment to her areolas..

His fingers moved skillfully in and outta her honeypot Samantha was still struggling with her resistance but it seems her resistance wasn't working really well.

Samantha was still putting up a resistance but she came heavily on his fingers before she could understand what was going on.

He took out his fingers and licked off her juice with a smile plastered on his face but of course he wasn't done yet as he began trailing kisses from her breasts all the way down to her stomach..

He trailed his tongue around her belly button and this made her shiver but that wasn't the plan as he suddenly got in between her legs and spread them apart to reveal a well shaved kitty which was begging to be touched…

Samantha immediately tried to clamp her legs together but he suddenly held them in place as he slowly brought his lips to her honeypot and blew hot air on her honeypot sending chills down her spine..

He trailed his tongue around her folds and opening but of course he didn't stop there as he suddenly thrust into her core with his tongue making her gasp at the sudden intrusion..

He dragged her folds with his teeth gently, making gasps loudly..

Of course she was still holding back her moan and he grabbed hold of her thigh firmly as he ran his tongue all over her clitoris while he stroked her folds with his tongue while she kept struggling to not enjoy whatever he was doing even though she knew deep down it was useless..

Samantha pressed her eyes together, not daring to open them as he began giving her a mouth job..

His tongue skillfully moved around her clit and soon her pre cum was all over his tongue but he simply swallowed it and resumed teaching her a lesson…

“ I bet you like it..” Damian mocked her as he decided to bring back his fingers again.. Samantha was clearly trying to suppress a moan threatening to escape her lips.

He slid in his fingers as he thrust in with his tongue, he could already feel her insides stretching as he ate her cunt and soon she cummed massively against his face…

Damian pulled away and licked the Corner his lips with his tongue and also licked off every single bit of her p*say juice..

“ Playing hard to get when you were already dripping wet for me? Tsk! What a joke..” Damian teased her and his words made feel ashamed of herself..

Her ears turned red from embarrassment and his cheeks were no different either.

She Felt so ashamed of her reaction Earlier and really wished the earth would open and shallow her..

Damian leaned in to kiss her but Samantha did the unthinkable by biting him hard on the lips till she tasted blood but was Surprise when he didn't make a face show any signs of being hurt but of course Samantha was unaware of the fact that the man I'm front of her is not able to feel pain..

Damian stepped away from her and slowly wiped off the stain on his lips with his thumb and brought it to view…

His eyes darkened when he saw his blood and this annoyed him greatly..

Damian suddenly grabbed hold of her chin roughly Samantha could already feel her teeth and jaw hurting as he suddenly brought his thumb which had his blood to her lips and forcefully made her taste it..

“ How dare you?” Even though his voice was dangerously calm, Samantha knew he was super pissed and looked like he was about to explode from anger…

His grip on her chin suddenly tightened and she hissed in pain while glaring at him..

Damian shoved her aside roughly and stepped away from the bed before calling in the maids..

“ Get her outta my sight..” He calmly said and he sat down leisurely and took out another cigarette and placed it in between his lips ignoring his bleeding on lips.

The maids walked towards the stark naked Samantha on the bed and dragged her outta the room and threw her in the dark room..

Samantha stood up immediately and rushed towards the door but it was already locked from behind..

“ Let me out, you fools!” Samantha yelled as she banged the door loudly but no one paid any attention to her..

Samantha Still didn't stop banging on the door..

“ Let me out of here!” Samantha Kept banging on the door until her hands began to hurt and she became extremely tired..

She fell to her knees and stayed that way as her chest rose and fell heavily…

She looked at her body and felt disgusted by the fact that She was a weakling in front of that man…

“ Argh!” Samantha pulled her Hair in frustration and all she was thinking of was how to kill that man or get outta the place..

She sat down on the floor butt naked and pulled her knees closer to her body and wrapped her arms around her legs.

She looked around the dark room hoping to find something to cover her body but found nothing but didn't give up as she kept looking around until she found a towel and quickly wrapped it around her..



Samantha was still laying on the cold floor of the dark room, starved and cold..

She was curled up in a ball on the cold floor and for a brief moment she wished she was dead if that was the only way to stop that man from touching her..

The thought of that man having his way with her sent goosebumps all over her body..

Samantha was constantly wishing for death but then her father's bloody face flashed through her eyes and she was hesitant to give up..

She took shaky breaths trying to calm herself when the door was finally opened by the guards and someone walked in carrying a food tray.

The little maid gently placed the tray in front of Samantha but she didn't bother standing up..

“ You should eat… You're gonna need your strength soon..” the little maid quietly said and this Caught Samantha's attention as she suddenly raised her head to look at the little maid..

“ I would advise that you stop throwing a tantrum and be obedient to the boss…. After all, it wouldn't take more than a week for Lord Damian to lose interest in a woman…” The little maid calmly advised her before turning around and left the room and she was once locked in the dark room..

Samantha moved to a sitting position after the maid was gone and thought about her words intensely…

If she got her point correctly then That man was gonna get tired of her within a week…

Samantha hoped that was the case as she picked up the sandwich quietly and took a huge bite while thinking of what to do…

It seems like she would have to play along and also take her Time to observe the mansion.

She was gonna plan her escape after a week…

Samantha felt good after putting her thoughts together when the door was suddenly opened and the old maid walked in with a stern expression..

“ Clean her up and bring her to the boss's bedroom.”

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