
03~ Tough situation

Rita felt emotional when her friends entered the room and her eyes welled up with tears.

“Hey.. it’s okay, don’t cry, we shall figure it out.” Glenda said approaching Rita and pulling her into a hug.

Rita finally had a chance to vent out her grievances and cried loudly with her head on Glenda’s shoulder who patted her back soothingly.

Amelia who was at the other side of the table looked like she wanted to say something but bit her tongue after receiving a glare from Glenda.

Glenda knew what Amelia wanted to say.. but Rita was going through a lot for her to hear words like ‘hate to say I told you so’.

They had seen Eric being interviewed on the news and he portrayed himself as the new CEO, completely distancing himself and the company from Rita.

After what felt like eternity but were just a few minutes, Rita finally stopped crying and sniffling.

“What happened honey, we were shocked to hear the news so we immediately left what we were doing and came over.” Evelyn said and Rita’s heart swelled with warmth.

Her friends were extremely busy people but because of her, they dropped everything and came rushing to offer their help. At least there was one thing that was genuine in her life, her friendships.

“I don’t know too. I’m confused, I woke up, bathed as usual and left for work. But I didn’t even spend 10 minutes in the office when the anti-corruption commission barged into my office and arrested me after making allegations of fraud and tax evasion against me.” She explained then a memory flashed through her mind so she continued.

“Oh yes! Before the police barged in, Jenny was reporting to me about some abnormalities in the financial records of the company.”

“The police have shown me the evidence they have against you and I won’t lie it’s quite strong. But I will try my best to help you get out of this situation. Why don’t we call Jenny so that we get the documents she had?” Glenda suggested, looking at the other two ladies who nodded their head in agreement.

They all had Jenny’s number so Evelyn took out her phone and dialed her number, putting the phone on loud speaker. Glenda continued to comfort Rita, whilst Amelia perched on the edge of the table.

The phone rang for a while until it was picked up when it almost cut.

“Hello?” A strange male voice echoed through the phone and the ladies furrowed their brows.

“Uh hello, I would like to speak to Jenny please.” Evelyn remarked, increasing the volume of the call for everyone to hear the conversation.

“The owner of the phone was in a hit and run accident, she’s currently in a coma at the general hospital.” The male voice answered and everyone’s breath hitched.

What the fuck was happening? Was it a coincidence that just after Rita was arrested, her assistant was involved in a hit and run accident and was in a coma, unable to wake up?

Something definitely smelled fishy but there was no clue so far.

“Do you know who transferred those funds?” Evelyn asked Rita hesitantly and Amelia rolled her eyes.

“Stop sugar coating things, the dude even went on television to celebrate his appointment when his girlfriend was in trouble. It’s simple, he used her blind love for him to coax her into signing the papers and because she foolishly trusted him, she signed without checking them out.” Amelia said in one breath, not caring if she sounded rude. She was the type to call a spade a spade.

In her opinion, Rita had brought this upon her self. Who involves her boyfriend into her family business? A boyfriend…. Not even fiancée but a boyfriend. Clearly, she had it coming.

She was sorry yes but she was going to say the truth and give her honest opinion.

“Amy,” Glenda said in a clipped tone but Rita stopped her.

“She’s right you guys, I can’t believe I was so stupid and gullible. I trusted him and made him the co-owner of the company but he stabbed me in the back when I wasn’t looking.” She said and the ladies gaped at her.

“You what?” It was Glenda’s turn to freak out as she pulled away from Rita, holding her shoulders. Shocked at the revelation.

“Girl, how can you do such a dumb thing? How am I supposed to help you out now?” Glenda shrieked, frustration evident in her voice. She never thought her smart friend would easily get duped by a man.

“I know, it was stupid of me.. oh God! I feel so dumb right now. How could I not know? The red flags were there but I ignored them.” Rita wailed in anguish and her friends looked at her with pity.

They wanted to help but what could they do? Even if they put together all their money, it wouldn’t be enough to pay the debts.

Glenda had tried to bail her out earlier but the chief inspector refused her request and she didn’t know how to tell her friend that she too could not bail her out.

The door opened and the police officer who had led them in walked in. “Ladies, you have 5 minutes to finish up then you can leave the room.” He announced and the ladies nodded in response.

“Sweetie, I talked to the chief inspector and I was told I can’t bail you out and the investors are demanding payment of the money they claim you owe.” Glenda decided to relay the bad news that she had been holding on to. She knew her presence had given Rita hope so she hated to crash the little hope that her friend had left.

As expected, Rita became dispirited and the twinkle in her bright blue eyes had completely disappeared, giving them a dull dazed look.

“Let me try to call the estate agency and see if they could put up some of my properties for sell.” Rita said, asking for one of her friend’s phone.

Glenda who was closer to her gave her a phone and Rita dialed some lines.

After explaining and giving her property code, Rita almost fainted from what she had heard from the agency.

Eric had changed ownership of all her properties. She didn’t know how but she was suddenly penniless.

Her heart squeezed painfully and she felt like a cat was clawing at her heart.

Eric didn’t just want to cripple her by breaking her wings, he wanted to destroy her once and for all without leaving her a leeway to survive.

He was so cruel. How could she have been in love with such a monster for 10 fucking years? She must have been blind.

Her friends tried to console her but she was beyond the point of feeling better. Anger, hatred and pain flooded her mind. She wanted nothing but to wring Eric’s neck until it snapped.

“Okay ladies, time’s up.” The same police officer announced and he waited by the door for Rita’s friends to leave.

After they comforted her and assured her that they would try their best to help, they left the room and Rita was left alone once again to face the harsh reality of the situation.

Soon a female warden entered the room and Rita’s heart raced nervously, knowing what would come next.

“Let’s go, from now on you are number 1995.” The female warden said in a clipped tone.

Her name was Jane Osbourne, she had been working at the central police for 20 years. Experience had taught her never to judge a book by its cover.. the young lady walking behind her looked innocent but who knew what she had done to find herself here.

Heading towards the female cells, they stopped in front of a desk and Jane pulled out a blue uniform for Rita to wear.

Although Rita felt wronged, she had no option but to take off her designer suit and put on the old prison uniform that stunk of mold.

Luckily, she was placed in her own cell otherwise, she would have been bullied. She had heard terrible stories about how people were beaten and raped when arrested.

Three days had passed by in a blink of an eye and Rita was still in her cell. She looked pale and looked like she had lost some weight. Her hair was unkempt and she had failed to eat the meals they served them. Hence, she was feeling very weak.

She lay down on the dirty floor, too tired and weak to mind when the cell gate clicked open and Jane came through.

“Get up, someone is here for you.” She said and Rita widened her eyes in surprise wondering who would come to see her because her friends were not allowed to come visit her again.

She tried to get up but she was too weak. Seeing this, Jane helped her up and led her out of the cell by pulling her hand.

When Rita reached the visitors room, she was surprised to find a young man with gold rimmed glasses and a black suit waiting for her.

The man didn’t speak but just took out a thermos and placed it on the table. A sweet aroma wafted from it after he opened it and Rita’s stomach rumbled from hunger. A tinge of pink crept up her cheeks.

“Go ahead Miss Jones, I was told you hardly ate anything so I got you this congee for you to replenish your energy.” The man spoke and Rita immediately started to gobble up the food, she didn’t have time to wonder how the man knew her name or where the congee came from. She was too hungry to care about all that.

When the man saw how hungry she was, he felt sorry for her.

After Rita was done with her food, the man introduced himself handing over his business card to her.

“My name is John Kent, from Stevens electronics group and I am the CEO’s personal assistant.” John said, pushing up his glasses to the bridge of his nose.

“Okay, Mr Kent, to what do I owe this visit, are you here to ask about the money?” Rita asked, confused but satisfied after not eating for 3 days.. food tasted like heaven.

“I have a way to get you out of jail and settle your debts but you need to accept my boss’s offer first.” John said.

“What offer?” Rita asked with a cocked brow.

“You must get married to him.”

Comments (8)
goodnovel comment avatar
Arlene Fruto Bilog
Taga nimo Rita kay di ka motoo sa I. Ong mga friend hasta nimo ka bulok
goodnovel comment avatar
But he sounds like a pimp
goodnovel comment avatar
Wow creepy I would do it if could crush the ass wipe

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