
Chapter 6

As Morgan was about to wrap his arms around Jessica's tiny body, his sharp eyes fell on Jessica's bruised knee.

Examined it more closely, and it was indeed a bruise.

"What happened to this woman? Why so careless?"

Ultimately, Morgan left it alone and will be treated by Maid tomorrow morning.

If Morgan were the one treating, Morgan wouldn't know where the medicine box was and what medicine to treat the bruises.

He only knew that if he got a gunshot wound, he would immediately cut himself with a knife doused in alcohol, and that was normal for him.

But about women's injuries? He didn't know at all.

Eventually, Morgan fell asleep next to Jessica. Unwittingly, Jessica was delighted and broke out in a cold sweat.

"Papa... Mama... I miss..."

As time went on, Jessica's whimpers and cries became fainter and fainter sobs.

Jessica even hugged Morgan's body tightly. She felt safe in Morgan's arms.

Morgan just held on stiffly as Jessica hugged him. Having not lost his tightness when touching Jessica's cheek again, Morgan is now getting crazy and tortured when Jessica's round chest is tightly pressed against his stomach.

Now Jessica is also nuzzling into Morgan's ample bosom in search of her comfort.

Until Jessica's crying stopped, and she fell asleep in Morgan's arms.

Because he was also tired, Morgan also fell asleep there.

That night, they slept with their arms around each other.


The morning had arrived, and Jessica, who felt that she had slept well, woke up with a cheerful face.

"Eh? What is this? Hard? How come it has hair?" Jessica muttered.

She slowly opened her eyes and was shocked when she saw what she was hugging.

"Oh my!" She shrieked in surprise.

"Have you had enough of holding me all night?" The raspy voice of a wake-up call pierced Jessica's ears.

Jessica, who was already embarrassed, immediately apologised.

"Sorry, sir... I'm presumptuous to sleep here. Sorry," Morgan, who was sick of hearing Jessica's apologies, went to the bathroom.

"Move!" Morgan pushed Jessica's shoulder slightly, and he went straight to the bathroom to get ready.

Jessica chose to clean Morgan's bed and change his bed linen.

Morgan changes his bed linen every day, and even his towels are changed every time he takes a shower.

"Sorry, sir, I haven't had a chance to take a bath yet. Let me help you." Jessica went straight to Morgan and helped him get ready.

Morgan didn't say much. He was as silent as a statue as Jessica helped him get dressed. Even when he put on the tie, Morgan was silent without looking at Jessica.

But, strangely, this woman hasn't showered yet and still smells so good. Even her bad breath was not smelled by Morgan.

Still as fresh as ever.

"Already, sir," Jessica straightened Morgan's suit.

Feeling that Jessica's job was done, Morgan went downstairs to the dining table.

This morning, he watched the stock market from his iPad while waiting for Jessica to prepare.

Jessica was ready and went straight to the dining table.

Morgan observed every inch of Jessica's body; the woman's make-up was unique.

If many women around her compete to make up as beautifully as possible, Jessica is ordinary without excessive makeup.

Only the powder and lip balm.

Her two ponytails made Morgan stare at her sharply.

"Sorry, I thought you had left." Jessica dared not look at Morgan.

"Sit down! You've wasted too much of my time!"

Jessica understood and started preparing breakfast for Morgan. This morning, Jessica took the initiative to make plain bread with chocolate cheese jam and mango juice.

They ate in silence until Morgan opened his voice.

"Ms Faye..." Morgan's shout echoed.

Jessica was also shocked when she heard him scream.

"Yes, sir."

"Look and notice her left knee. I don't want to ask why! So get it right!" Morgan's command was undeniable.

Mia was already stiffening up! Did that woman complain? She would teach her a lesson about daring to complain if she did.

"That, sir..."

Morgan's eyebrows were only raised one side, and he had a sharp look in his eyes.

"I fell yesterday, sir. It was all my fault." Morgan looked at Jessica with his piercing gaze.

"Treat her wounds now!" The maids rushed to find a medicine box, a warm water basin, and clean clothes.

"Come, Miss."

"Uh, no. Let me alone," Jessica prevented as Maid squatted before her.

"Miss, please co-operate with us." The maid looked at Jessica.

Jessica finally relented and let them treat the wound on her knee.

"If this happens again, and you get hurt again, then all of you will pay the price!" After saying that, Morgan left the house and headed for his car.

Jessica, surprised by Morgan's behaviour, just looked at him strangely.

"Please be careful, Miss." They pleaded.

"Eh? I don't, don't understand!"

"From now on, please be careful, Miss. Master is very sensitive about things like this that concern his lady!"

"Eh? The woman? I'm just the maid."

"But you are different, Miss. Master behaves differently."


"I'm done, Miss. Let's go."

"Eh, wait, what's your name?"

"I'm Layla, Miss." She said kindly.

"Let's be friends." Jessica extended her hand.

Maid Layla just stared at Jessica's helping hand and left in fear.

"Jessica!" Morgan shouted again.

"Yes, sir," Jessica limped over as her knees were still sore.

"Who told you to run?" Jessica shook her head

"Take this and buy your clothes! My eyes hurt looking at your cheap clothes! If you don't buy your clothes, I'll punish you!"

"Take it!" Morgan said again and handed over his Black card.

Jessica is no fool! She knows what cards are.

The most powerful card on earth! You can buy anything you want.


"Ouucch," Jessica was startled when Morgan flicked her forehead.

"You're such a waste of time! I'll punish you if I don't see you shopping by the end of the night!"

"And one more thing! From tonight you move into my room! Fill all the empty cupboards there. If I see that closet still empty, you know the consequences!" After saying that, Morgan immediately got into the car and left Jessica, who was still stunned by what Morgan had said.

What does that mean? He can't digest it all yet!

Everything seemed strange to her. Especially Morgan's attitude!

"What should I do with this card? Buy clothes? Mr Morgan's wardrobe is full; there are four more empty wardrobes. Then what should I do?" Jessica muttered again.

She doesn't know how to shop. But what should she buy? Will she shop like a rich person? Shopping for branded items?

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