
Chapter 7

After the day when Jessica went on a shopping spree, it hasn't been able to fill her closet anymore.

As a result, a boutique person deliberately delivered clothes and other equipment again for Jessica.

I don't know! It's been almost a month since she lived in Mr Morgan's luxurious mansion, and his attitude is still the same!

Cold and creepy!

But when he sleeps, Mr Morgan will look a little cuter.

Today, Jessica asked for permission to walk in the mansion's garden, and Morgan granted her permission.


"Hm," Morgan answered on his phone.

"Can I go out? Hmm, you mean play in the garden? I'm bored in my room and reading room." There was no answer, and the room remained silent.

Jessica has given up! Maybe Morgan didn't give her permission.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I'll just go back to my room."

"Go away! I'm eating at home tonight! Get my things ready!"

"Ahh... Yes, thank you, sir," Jessica said excitedly.

Morgan tugged at the corners of her lips only slightly, and it was so slight that no one noticed.

The lips were drawn in just a little and not for more than a second!

Jessica was so excited that she ran down the stairs, and the maids were alarmed by her behaviour.

Yes, they already consider Jessica their Miss because of Morgan, but not the ones who resent her existence.

Take Mia, for example. She doesn't like Jessica. And she reported to Miss Scarlett that another woman was in Mr Morgan's mansion.

And that instantly fuelled Scarlet's anger.

Jessica, who was on a bike ride, was immediately happy, and Morgan's mobile phone captured all her smiles.


"Ouchhh," Jessica winced in pain as her elbow was injured.

"It hurts!" Jessica cried as her elbow bled.

"Miss!" The bodyguard panicked when he saw Jessica fall.

But they are afraid to help.

Morgan, who was in the middle of a meeting, had his jaw dropped when he saw Jessica was injured.

The aura on his face immediately turned creepy. Instantly, the meeting room became dark because of the aura that Morgan gave off.

"Meeting adjourned!" Morgan immediately drove his car at high speed to get home quickly.


It only took 15 minutes for Morgan to reach his home.


Morgan slammed the 3-star car door.

Jessica, who was treating her wounds in her room, was shocked that Morgan had arrived home, even in her room.

"Master!" Jessica's body stiffened, and she surely would not survive this time.

I'm sure the maids will also be affected.

Morgan walked towards Jessica, who was on the sofa.

"Sir..." Jessica got up from her seat.

"Sit down!" Morgan's command was undeniable.

"Ouchhh... It hurts... Sir," Jessica moaned as Morgan grabbed her arm.

"How many times have I told you? Take care of yourself! Why are you so insubordinate? What's so hard about just taking care of yourself? Huh? Look! See now? You're hurt!" Morgan snapped.

Jessica closed her eyes as Morgan snapped at her. Even now, her body was shaking with fear.

Morgan, who saw Jessica freaking out, became upset himself!


Morgan slammed the door to his room and got out of there. He was upset.

"Why is that woman so hard to tell? It's just insubordinate!"

Morgan returned to the courtyard in a rage. He saw the bicycle that Jessica had been riding. Instantly, his anger returned.

"Throw that bike away! I'm sick of looking at it!" The bodyguard immediately executed the bicycle and threw it by the roadside.

It's like taking out the rubbish.

Morgan returned to the company after scolding Jessica and throwing away the Bike.

Just as Morgan left, a red Lamborghini pulled into Morgan's driveway.

But who came? It was Scarlet, Morgan's fiancée.

She entered with her swagger. Even the sound of her heels echoed on the marble floor of the Morgan house.

As she entered, Ms Faye began serving lunch to Jessica and Morgan. But Morgan had already returned to his company again.

"Miss, lunch is ready," Layla said, calling Jessica.

Meanwhile, Ms Faye was already on edge downstairs when she saw Scarlet sitting unashamedly at the dining table.

And when Jessica got down, she saw a beautiful woman there.

"Where is that woman?" Asked Scarlet in her haughty style.

All eyes turned towards her, towards Jessica. Immediately, Scarlet's sharp eyes looked at the woman her eyes were telling her about.

"Who are you?"

"I-I Maid Mr Morgan, Miss," Jessica replied, frightened at the look of those piercing eyes.

"Stop! I want her to serve me!" He pointed at Jessica.

With trembling hands, Jessica served everything to Scarlet without any suspicion.


"Aaargghhh!" Jessica's hand was splashed with the hot soup water.

Instantly blistered, the smooth white hand turned bright red with blisters.

"Miss Jessica!" Layla panicked there.

"Come, Miss. I'll treat you." They died.

Morgan's anger with Jessica falling off her bike has not yet dissipated, and now their missus has a blister on her left hand.

"That's my greeting since you dared to snatch Morgan from me! If you dare any more, I can even ruin your sanctimonious face! Bitch!" Scarlet suppressed the word bitch for Jessica.

Instantly, Jessica's face became gloomy. No one had ever been so rude to her. Not even the cruel Mr Morgan had abused her in almost a month. And that woman? She said that for her.

Jessica ran straight to Mr Morgan's room and locked herself in. She cried her heart out there, spilling all her sad feelings.

He even came downstairs for dinner and found Morgan already there and changing clothes.

I don't know where she replaced it.

"Good evening, sir..." Morgan was still staring intently at her.

"That woman's eyes are puffy? Is she crying?"

"What would you like to eat, sir?" Jessica asked.

Morgan was still watching her, "There's something wrong with that woman's movements. Why is she only using her right hand?"

"And what about his left hand?"


"What are you hiding?" Asked Morgan

"N-nothing, sir," Jessica replied fearfully.

Morgan, embarrassed to see Jessica lying, immediately pulled her left hand.

"Sir... It hurts..." Morgan's anger instantly peaked at the sight of the blistered and reddened hand.

"What is this?" Morgan asked coldly.

"I asked what this is!?" Morgan shouted over there. Jessica was still silent and afraid to answer him.

She was already terrified at the sight of Morgan's anger.

"Okay, you asked for it!"




Everything on the dining table broke apart on the floor. When the maids heard the commotion in the dining room, they came marching in.

"I'm not going to ask! It's obvious why the hand is like this!"

"I'll give you three seconds from now!" Morgan snapped again.

"Tell me!" His shout echoed

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