
Chapter 45


I stride inside the house and let out a sigh of relief. I am finally home after a long day of work.

Now I will have to get ready for the stupid conference tomorrow. But when I go inside the bedroom, I see her. Sarah.

She is sprawled across the bed like she owns the damn place, her long legs a careless tangle among the sheets. She's lost in another world between those pages, fully focused on her book. It's probably one of those trashy romance books she loves to read so damn much.

She doesn't even look up at me, oblivious to everything else around her.

And damn if it doesn't stoke the fire in me!

Her hair spills over the pillow, wild and untamed. Even from here, I can tell her shirt's creased, buttons undone just enough to make promises no saint could keep. has been so long since I fucked her.

A low growl rumbles in my chest, and I can't help but admire the view. Sarah, with her guard down, is a sight that could make a man forget his own name.

I lean against the
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