
Four mate? Luna To The Sebastian Brothers
Four mate? Luna To The Sebastian Brothers
Author: Authoress Beatrice

chapter 1


The atmosphere in the living room vibrated with an unspoken tension.

I stared in horror at the people seated in front of me. I suddenly felt an outburst of palpable anger course through me as I thought of what I had just heard.

"What are you talking about,?" I asked.

"Ava, take off your clothes!" The lady repeated.

Were they all joking? I turned to face Dad and he had an indecipherable expression on his face. He didn't care if I stripped in front of so many people. After all, he had orchestrated the whole thing himself.

Earlier this morning, he had told me about his intention to sell me to the Green Shadow Pack in exchange for resources since our pack was now financially unstable.

Why does it have to be me? I was the alpha's first daughter. Many girls in the pack would be more than glad to be bought by the alpha of the shadow pack. But Dad preferred to choose me. Why did he hate me so much?

"Why do I have to take off my clothes?" I asked, my voice hoarse from the emotions that were gnawing at me.

"Don't feel humiliated or embarrassed, Ava. No one here is interested in a girl like you, so just take your filthy clothes off!" She bellowed and grabbed my clothes.

Her lips inched closer to my ears. "The alpha told me that you have the filthy blood of an omega and you are also wolfless, so you should be thankful that I'm even considering taking you to our pack!"

"I won't take my clothes off in front of so many people!" I stood my ground, making eye contact with Dad as I spoke.

"Dad, tell her to let go!" I yelled when he didn't react.

Dad scoffed. "Why should I do that? Listen up, do as she says or you might face serious punishment!"

His voice brooked no further argument and I knew exactly what he meant by punishment. I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to block the painful memories from flooding in.

Two years ago, I had just turned eighteen, and while my step sister, Amelia had shifted and had also gotten her wolf that same day, I couldn't even shift.

Surprisingly, I had shifted the following week but I had to keep it a secret since my wolf was a pure white wolf which meant only one thing. I was a cursed wolf who was destined to bring calamity to the world. And if anyone should find out, I would be instantly killed.

So, I had to keep up with the facade of being wolfless and since then, Dad's love for me had gone cold. He demoted me to the position of a slave and made me do all the menial jobs in the pack. He made it clear to me that he wanted nothing to do with me since I was a disgrace to him.

"Dad, please can we not do this?" I fell to my knees with a thud and the impact shot to my brain.

"The mating ceremony is about to kick off, Ava. Let's get this over and done with so you can get out of my sight and my pack! Don't make me repeat myself!" Dad's voice dripped of contempt.

I felt as though my heart had slashed into two. How could Dad be so heartless? How could anyone want to sell their daughter and still remain so placid? I pushed back the years that were threatening to spill.

He wanted me to get out of his sight and his pack. Then I sure will, but not on his command. I will leave exactly the way I wanted.

Without further warning, I pushed Eva and sprang up to my feet. I doubled up the stairs and I could hear the scurrying of feet behind me.

"Bring her back here!" I heard Dad's angry voice calling. "If she escapes, then you lose your life!"

I kind of felt sorry for the guards who were chasing me because I wasn't thinking of letting them catch me today and since I knew my way around the house, it was easier. I rounded a corner and dashed into the nearest room and quickly bolted the door.

Soon, I heard a rapping sound on the door, followed by heavy banging. My heart was beating frantically in my chest as I thought of how to escape.

"Ava, you know I don't wanna hurt you," Dad began in a voice that sounded nothing like his.

"You're my first daughter and the future heir of this pack. It's only right you do this for the welfare of the pack you will rule in the future. So, come out of the room. I promise when everything becomes stable, I'll bring you back."

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Now, he could acknowledge me as his first daughter. And I should be sold because of my responsibility as his first daughter? Where has that gotten me? Always doing his bidding and enduring all suffering from my stepmom and stepsister.

I wouldn't let him destroy my life again the second time. I trotted to the window and looked to see if I could jump down.

I was still contemplating when I heard Dad's growl.

"Ava get out of the room!" A minute later, he added, "Break this fucking door down!"

Without further thinking, I squeezed my eyes shut and jumped down. Even if I died, it was better than spending the rest of my life in the same house as Dad.

My heart was up in my throat as a force pushed me downwards, I could hear the door burst open behind me.

"Find her and bring her here! If she leaves this vicinity, you are all dead!" Dad, Instructed them.

Just when I thought I would fall and break my arm and even fracture my brain, a pair of strong arms enveloped me and the scent of vanilla hit my nostrils and I felt like my body was on fire.

The man smelled heavenly. Dominating, powerful and tempting. I felt the play of his muscles beneath my hand and it made me feel hot all over.

I slowly raised my head to look into the bluest eyes I had ever seen in my life. For a split second, I forgot the predicament that I was in. My whole body stilled as I felt joy wash over me like electricity as my wolf danced wildly inside me.

My eyes trailed over his face. His hair was raven black with a few strands sticking to his forehead like a glove. His eyes reflected a whirlwind of emotions— shock, surprise and another one I couldn't quite place.

He cleared his throat awkwardly and I quickly recoiled out of his arms. I felt my cheeks flame up as I realized I had been gawking at him shamelessly.

I opened my mouth to apologize, but just then my wolf growled inside me.


The word rumbled out of my mouth just as he said his. The aura surrounding him changed that moment and he gazed at me in a possessive manner. But I was not intimidated. Instead, it made me feel excited.

Suddenly, the smell of vanilla became stronger. Intoxicating that it made my head reel. Before I knew what was happening, I felt a light tap on my shoulders and I would be a liar if I said it didn't send shivers of desire down my spine.

I spun around and I gulped hard when my eyes trained on the faces of three men who looked identical to the man I had just met.

"Oh! Here you are, Aurora. We finally found you, little one!" They chorused.

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