
Chapter 57

Deimos POV

“I want you to mark me,” Elizabeth whispers.

My hand freezes inside her panties. She is asking me for the one thing I cannot give her.

“You are asking me for something I can’t give you,” I tell her quietly.

I try to remove my hand from her panties, but Elizabeth grabs my hand and holds it in place. Her hips wiggle against my fingers, and I have to resist the urge to plunge my fingers into her.

“Do you want to mark me?” She asks as she looks up at me through her eyelashes.

I open my mouth to lie to her. I want to tell her that I have no intention of ever marking her. But Duko growls in my mind, demanding that I tell her the truth.

“I want to mark you,” I answer her honestly. “But now isn’t the time.”

Elizabeth wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. Her tongue swipes against the seam of my lips, demanding entrance.

I know what she is doing. Elizabeth is trying to get me caught up in the moment in hopes that Duko will
Solange Daye

Happy Reading!

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goodnovel comment avatar
*sighs dreamily* they love each other and are fated mates! I hope they find Dainn soon!
goodnovel comment avatar
At least they have finally got it out in the open! Can’t wait for more thanks for the update. Continue the great work!
goodnovel comment avatar
Corrienna Winchester
my hubby has even notice a change in me with how invested I am *if you know what I mean* for his sake, my sake and everyone else, I hope it happens soon, your writing hints that'll it'll be explosive and such a tender yet intense intimate experience for them

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