
Two weeks away


I could hear voices around me. They were light but their words were heavy and their voices grew higher and higher by the second.

“I never wanted you here.” Mom was yelling at someone.

“I never wanted to be here,” Nathan’s voice followed. They were at it again, every time and they wouldn’t stop being like cat and dog under one roof.

“Then go back to your mother,”

“She is your sister as well. Don’t act like you are not a relation because you are,”

“I cut all ties with your family. Don’t be so cocky and foolish to think that you can come here to steal from my son and wealth.”

“I’m only here because your son wanted me to. Do you think I care about you? Or your stupid money? Jordan is the only reason why am here.”

“Oh really? Is he?” Mother entered. For a long time, no one said a thing and I could bet that they were glaring at each other.

“My only wish was that I knew who you were at the hospital or why you were there, you would have never been able to take her away from me,”

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