


“It’s been a week, Ryan. A week and I’ve hardly seen him or heard from him. I’m worried. I know you said to give him space, but I’m not sure how much more I can give him.” Sitting in Ryan’s kitchen, I watched him stir scrambled eggs in a pan.

When he invited me for breakfast, I came over thinking we were going out. I never imagined he meant he would be cooking for us. Jeez. I didn’t even know he could cook.

The two of us were slowly but surely growing closer. This week, we’d texted back and forth more than we ever had.

Sure, it was mostly about Kaden’s dad. I let Ryan know what was going at the hospital, and then it was about the funeral. We kept each other up to date and helped Kaden plan without seeing much of him. But it was still communication, which was more than I could say about Kaden this week. Not that I blamed him, of course.

Ryan finished up with the eggs, laying them down on toasted bagels with strips of smoked salmon and chives on them. My mouth watered as he picked
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