


He flashed me what I thought was meant to be a smirk. “It’s called oblivion. That’s where I’m going and that’s where I’ve been.”

Giving him a long onceover, my heart shattered into a million pieces once more. This week, it felt like every time I managed to scrape the pieces of the organ back together and messily mended it with the world’s worst sticky tape, something happened to break it again.

Kaden was pale, his features gaunt. His eyes seemed unnaturally bright, even as red and watery as they were. He was shirtless, but instead of noticing his sexy muscles, all I could see was that he’d lost a couple of pounds since the last time I saw him half naked.

My usually rock-solid man was swaying on his feet, holding on to a bar stool that I was sure was the only thing keeping him from toppling over. Walking up to him, I put my hands on his cheeks and tried to get him to focus on me. “Okay, big guy. It’s fine that that’s where you’ve been, but we’re going to bring you back now. You o
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